Travel | AugustMan Hongkong The Modern Man's Lifestyle Companion Sun, 20 Aug 2023 05:03:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Travel | AugustMan Hongkong 32 32 Where You Should Be Travelling To In Autumn, As Per Your Zodiac Sign Mon, 21 Aug 2023 00:00:46 +0000

Autumn or fall is hailed as one of the most scenic and romantic seasons. A welcome change from the summer’s sweltering heat, the fall symbolises the transition, transformation and end of something, to usher in a new phase. Neither as warm as summers nor as harsh as the winters, this is a perfect season to sip a pumpkin spice latte and travel the world, creating beautiful memories all the while. So, here are the best places to travel in autumn from an astrological point of view.

How does the zodiac influence travel?

Astrology plays a big role in determining whether a person is inclined to travel or not. Amongst the 12 houses of an individual’s birth chart, the numbers nine and 12 determine travel, more specifically foreign travel and settlement. Similarly, every zodiac has innate traits that motivate them to either be bitten by the wanderlust bug or remain bound to their routine.

The three sun signs of the fall are Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. While Libra is a cardinal air sign, it occurs at the start of this season. Scorpio is a fixed water sign which stays during the fall while Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign that represents the change of the season from autumn to winter. The diverse modalities, elements and personality traits of these three sun signs influence the vibe when travelling with other zodiacs travel during this period.

Even though the most popular season for going on a holiday has been summer, travelling in autumn has a unique vibe and beauty associated with it. Zodiac signs’ destination choices during the fall are influenced by the charming airiness of Libra, the intensity of Scorpio and the adventurous attitude of Sagittarius.

Best places to travel in autumn according to zodiacs

Aries: Switzerland

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Aliunix/Unsplash

This popular European destination transforms into a dreamy fairyland during the early fall. Romantic, luxe and extravagant, this destination speaks directly to the flamboyant Aries. This cardinal fire sign will feel quite at home while going on hiking trails and immersing themselves in the views of the magnificent yellow-orange foliage, as well as the clear vistas while breathing the crisp mountain air during their fall vacation.

Book your stay at Hotel AlpenGold

Taurus: Dubai

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Christoph Schulz/Unsplash

Futuristic and uber-luxurious, Dubai offers the fanciest and bespoke experiences to this fixed earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love and money. Taurus, represented by a celestial bull, loves self-indulgence and treats themselves to indulgent activities like a spa day, couture shopping excursions and fine dining.

Symbolised by the bull, Taureans can splurge on themselves and their loved ones and spend time like a royal here. Plus, the autumn months are warm. This destination is, hence, perfect for the luxury-loving fixed sign.

Book your stay at Hyatt Regency Creek Heights

Gemini: Austria

travel in autumn
Image credit: Katerina Kerdi/Unsplash

Quaint, charming and breathtakingly beautiful with picture-postcard views, Austria is a dreamland fall getaway for the sociable, active and enterprising Gemini. This air sign denoted by The Twins represents duality in the zodiac. They are full of ideas and want to explore a myriad of things all at once.

Hence, Austria is the best place for them to implement their travel ideas alone or with friends. They can go biking and hiking or prefer to just slow down a bit to take in the calm, cool, historic and romantic vibe of the place.

Book your stay at Pension Alpina

Cancer: France

travel in autumn
Image credit: Anthony DELANOIX/Unsplash

Sensitive, this water sign of the zodiac detests anything superficial. Ruled by the moon, which is symbolic of love and emotion, Cancerians are essentially homebodies. Depicted by crabs, they cherish time with their loved ones and are not the ones to jet across from place to place in search of excitement. Thus, France provides them with equal opportunities if they choose to soak in its history and culture or be away from the hustle-bustle of a city or unwind in the woods amidst the hills.

Book your stay at La Maison Champs Elysées

Leo: North America

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Joe Caione/Unsplash

This fire sign denoted by the lion is warm-hearted, loud, gregarious and regal in its disposition. Ruled by the Sun, they are beacons of optimism and hate anything that is even remotely bleak, dark, dull or uninteresting. There is no better destination than the United States of America for the stars of the zodiac. Why, you ask? North America provides Leo with an array of experiences at places, ranging from Los Angeles to New Mexico, the choices are limitless.

Book your stay at Mandalay Bay

Virgo: Ireland

travel in autumn
Image credit: Tetyana Kovyrina/Pexels

Dublin, Belfast, Galway…almost the entire Ireland is scenically decked in golden leaves during early and mid-October. This season is best known for going on road trips to the countryside to take in the cool breeze and beautiful views. The perfectionist of the zodiac, Virgo, would be quite at home here as this sign, denoted by the Virgin, craves something simple, earthy and timeless. This mutable sign ruled by the planet Mercury will have plenty of activities to do here during autumn which is known as the perfect season to travel across the Irish landscapes.

Book your stay at Sheraton Athlone Hotel

Libra: Italy

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Alex Dttrch/Pexels

This air sign is dominated by the planet Venus and loves beauty in all forms. One of the best places to travel in autumn for this intelligent and charming sign is Italy. Symbolised by the weighing scale, it serves as an ideal destination because it is neither too cold nor too hot and there are fewer tourists and abundant natural beauty coupled with one of the best wine and dining experiences in the world.

While Rome is known for its fashion and history, Piedmont and Tuscany are known for their delightful gastronomic experiences and harvest festivals. The Italian Alps, Amalfi Coast and The Lakes Region are wonderful for Librans craving to go outdoors.

Book your stay at Al Molo 5

Scorpio: Finland

travel in autumn
Image credit: Hert Niks/Pexels

Finnish for the fall is ‘Ruska,’ and it is one of the best seasons to experience the stunning foliage, northern lights, history and culture in the cities, and walk along a quiet trail in a forest. Scorpio, denoted by a scorpion, is the fixed water sign which is known for its intensity and sixth sense. Not a sign to be taken lightly, they care deeply about meaningful associations and experiences. Hence, one of the best places to travel in autumn, Finland would resonate with their passionate spirit.

Book your stay at Mansikkaharju Holiday Camp

Sagittarius: Arizona

travel in autumn
Image credit: Yigithan Bal /Pexels

Outdoorsy and outgoing, this sun sign denoted by the archer is the last of the fire sign and loves to travel the most among all zodiacs. Ruled by the planet of adventure, Jupiter, they are of mutable modality which means that they like to move around a lot and feel stuck if confined to a place for a long time. Hence, Arizona is the most happening place suited for their wandering soul. They can either go for famous hikes suitable for the fall to San Francisco Peaks, Lockett Meadow, Verde Canyon or Boyce Thompson Arboretum and rest in quiet wooden cabins at these places while enjoying the bountiful surrounding nature.

Book your stay at Cabins at Grand Canyon

Capricorn: England

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Mike Bird/Pexels

Denoted by a sea-goat and ruled by the planet of discipline, Saturn, Capricorn is an earth sign who likes to stick to its routine and life goals. Even though they don’t particularly enjoy surprises or downtime in general, the unmistakable beauty of the English countryside during autumn will most definitely impress them. Classic autumnal foliage, fires in pubs, travelling fairs which is a tradition of England and, of course, the delectable cuisine, comprising pumpkin pies and root vegetable soups, is exactly how a Capricorn would want to spend their vacation.

Book your stay at Rubens At The Palace

Aquarius: Denmark

travel in autumn
Image credit: Baro/Pexels

This Nordic country is all geared up to welcome visitors in autumn and let travellers explore their local lifestyle, hygge. Denmark in the fall is all about cosy fireplaces, hot cocoa, warm pubs, museum tours and nature trails. This speaks directly to the curious, intelligent and forward-thinking soul of a true blue Aquarian. Governed by the planet Uranus, this fixed sign likes to explore places and things that are beyond ordinary which makes Denmark the ideal destination during the fall the best to visit.

Book your stay at Radisson

Pisces: Peru

travel in autumn
Image credit: Marco Palomino/Pexels

The designated water babies of the zodiac, Pisces are calm, reflective and peaceful beings denoted by the twin fishes swimming in opposite directions. Visiting the coast of Peru in the off-season of the fall is perfect for them, as they can indulge in an array of activities without distraction, owing to lesser crowds.

Book your stay at Hotel Holiday Inn Express

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can my zodiac sign influence my travel plans for autumn?

Zodiac signs, in general, influence travel among other major aspects of life like career and love. The sun sign, its ruling planet, modality and placement of stars in the birth chart influence travel as well.

Which zodiac signs are likely to enjoy cosy autumn getaways?

Taurus, Libra and Pisces are most likely to enjoy cosy autumn getaways.

Are there specific zodiac signs that might seek adventure during autumn?

Sagittarius would want to seek adventure during their fall vacation.

What are some recommended autumn destinations for water signs?

Paris, Peru and Norway are some recommended destinations for the water signs.

Can my zodiac sign influence my choice of autumn colours and fashion for travel?

Yes, the choice of colours and personal style is greatly influenced by the inherent characteristics and traits each zodiac displays.

Should I consider astrology when planning my autumn travel?

Yes. It is helpful to zero in on fall vacation destinations according to astrology.

Can my zodiac sign affect my preference for urban or rural autumn travel?

Yes, every zodiac sign has peculiar personality traits that influence aspects like urban or rural travel and slow or adventurous travel.

Are there any specific activities or events I should consider based on my zodiac sign for autumn travel?

Fire signs would like to participate in treks, hikes and nature trails or activities like pumpkin picking, traditional fairs and haunted house tours that highlight the autumn spirit. While earth signs would like to indulge in a spa day or maybe rent a cosy wooden villa amidst a forest, water signs would like to slow travel to experience the magnificent autumn foliage.

Are there zodiac signs that might enjoy cultural experiences during autumn travel?

Yes, fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius would enjoy a good cultural experience.

Can astrology help me choose the best travel companions for my autumn trip?

Yes, astrology helps in checking travel compatibility with other zodiacs.

Should I plan my autumn travel based solely on my zodiac sign’s recommendations?

It sure would be helpful to do so to shortlist on best fall destinations, activities and ideal travel companions.

Are there travel apps or resources that provide zodiac-based travel recommendations?

One can try apps like Chani, Nebula, Co-star and Astro Future for astrology-based travel advice.

Can I use astrology to plan a solo autumn retreat that aligns with my zodiac sign’s qualities?

One can try astrology to understand one’s traits and travel accordingly.

(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of Matt/Unsplash)

This story first appeared on Travel+Leisure India.

The post Where You Should Be Travelling To In Autumn, As Per Your Zodiac Sign appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.


Autumn or fall is hailed as one of the most scenic and romantic seasons. A welcome change from the summer’s sweltering heat, the fall symbolises the transition, transformation and end of something, to usher in a new phase. Neither as warm as summers nor as harsh as the winters, this is a perfect season to sip a pumpkin spice latte and travel the world, creating beautiful memories all the while. So, here are the best places to travel in autumn from an astrological point of view.

How does the zodiac influence travel?

Astrology plays a big role in determining whether a person is inclined to travel or not. Amongst the 12 houses of an individual’s birth chart, the numbers nine and 12 determine travel, more specifically foreign travel and settlement. Similarly, every zodiac has innate traits that motivate them to either be bitten by the wanderlust bug or remain bound to their routine.

The three sun signs of the fall are Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. While Libra is a cardinal air sign, it occurs at the start of this season. Scorpio is a fixed water sign which stays during the fall while Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign that represents the change of the season from autumn to winter. The diverse modalities, elements and personality traits of these three sun signs influence the vibe when travelling with other zodiacs travel during this period.

Even though the most popular season for going on a holiday has been summer, travelling in autumn has a unique vibe and beauty associated with it. Zodiac signs’ destination choices during the fall are influenced by the charming airiness of Libra, the intensity of Scorpio and the adventurous attitude of Sagittarius.

Best places to travel in autumn according to zodiacs

Aries: Switzerland

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Aliunix/Unsplash

This popular European destination transforms into a dreamy fairyland during the early fall. Romantic, luxe and extravagant, this destination speaks directly to the flamboyant Aries. This cardinal fire sign will feel quite at home while going on hiking trails and immersing themselves in the views of the magnificent yellow-orange foliage, as well as the clear vistas while breathing the crisp mountain air during their fall vacation.

Book your stay at Hotel AlpenGold

Taurus: Dubai

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Christoph Schulz/Unsplash

Futuristic and uber-luxurious, Dubai offers the fanciest and bespoke experiences to this fixed earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love and money. Taurus, represented by a celestial bull, loves self-indulgence and treats themselves to indulgent activities like a spa day, couture shopping excursions and fine dining.

Symbolised by the bull, Taureans can splurge on themselves and their loved ones and spend time like a royal here. Plus, the autumn months are warm. This destination is, hence, perfect for the luxury-loving fixed sign.

Book your stay at Hyatt Regency Creek Heights

Gemini: Austria

travel in autumn
Image credit: Katerina Kerdi/Unsplash

Quaint, charming and breathtakingly beautiful with picture-postcard views, Austria is a dreamland fall getaway for the sociable, active and enterprising Gemini. This air sign denoted by The Twins represents duality in the zodiac. They are full of ideas and want to explore a myriad of things all at once.

Hence, Austria is the best place for them to implement their travel ideas alone or with friends. They can go biking and hiking or prefer to just slow down a bit to take in the calm, cool, historic and romantic vibe of the place.

Book your stay at Pension Alpina

Cancer: France

travel in autumn
Image credit: Anthony DELANOIX/Unsplash

Sensitive, this water sign of the zodiac detests anything superficial. Ruled by the moon, which is symbolic of love and emotion, Cancerians are essentially homebodies. Depicted by crabs, they cherish time with their loved ones and are not the ones to jet across from place to place in search of excitement. Thus, France provides them with equal opportunities if they choose to soak in its history and culture or be away from the hustle-bustle of a city or unwind in the woods amidst the hills.

Book your stay at La Maison Champs Elysées

Leo: North America

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Joe Caione/Unsplash

This fire sign denoted by the lion is warm-hearted, loud, gregarious and regal in its disposition. Ruled by the Sun, they are beacons of optimism and hate anything that is even remotely bleak, dark, dull or uninteresting. There is no better destination than the United States of America for the stars of the zodiac. Why, you ask? North America provides Leo with an array of experiences at places, ranging from Los Angeles to New Mexico, the choices are limitless.

Book your stay at Mandalay Bay

Virgo: Ireland

travel in autumn
Image credit: Tetyana Kovyrina/Pexels

Dublin, Belfast, Galway…almost the entire Ireland is scenically decked in golden leaves during early and mid-October. This season is best known for going on road trips to the countryside to take in the cool breeze and beautiful views. The perfectionist of the zodiac, Virgo, would be quite at home here as this sign, denoted by the Virgin, craves something simple, earthy and timeless. This mutable sign ruled by the planet Mercury will have plenty of activities to do here during autumn which is known as the perfect season to travel across the Irish landscapes.

Book your stay at Sheraton Athlone Hotel

Libra: Italy

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Alex Dttrch/Pexels

This air sign is dominated by the planet Venus and loves beauty in all forms. One of the best places to travel in autumn for this intelligent and charming sign is Italy. Symbolised by the weighing scale, it serves as an ideal destination because it is neither too cold nor too hot and there are fewer tourists and abundant natural beauty coupled with one of the best wine and dining experiences in the world.

While Rome is known for its fashion and history, Piedmont and Tuscany are known for their delightful gastronomic experiences and harvest festivals. The Italian Alps, Amalfi Coast and The Lakes Region are wonderful for Librans craving to go outdoors.

Book your stay at Al Molo 5

Scorpio: Finland

travel in autumn
Image credit: Hert Niks/Pexels

Finnish for the fall is ‘Ruska,’ and it is one of the best seasons to experience the stunning foliage, northern lights, history and culture in the cities, and walk along a quiet trail in a forest. Scorpio, denoted by a scorpion, is the fixed water sign which is known for its intensity and sixth sense. Not a sign to be taken lightly, they care deeply about meaningful associations and experiences. Hence, one of the best places to travel in autumn, Finland would resonate with their passionate spirit.

Book your stay at Mansikkaharju Holiday Camp

Sagittarius: Arizona

travel in autumn
Image credit: Yigithan Bal /Pexels

Outdoorsy and outgoing, this sun sign denoted by the archer is the last of the fire sign and loves to travel the most among all zodiacs. Ruled by the planet of adventure, Jupiter, they are of mutable modality which means that they like to move around a lot and feel stuck if confined to a place for a long time. Hence, Arizona is the most happening place suited for their wandering soul. They can either go for famous hikes suitable for the fall to San Francisco Peaks, Lockett Meadow, Verde Canyon or Boyce Thompson Arboretum and rest in quiet wooden cabins at these places while enjoying the bountiful surrounding nature.

Book your stay at Cabins at Grand Canyon

Capricorn: England

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Mike Bird/Pexels

Denoted by a sea-goat and ruled by the planet of discipline, Saturn, Capricorn is an earth sign who likes to stick to its routine and life goals. Even though they don’t particularly enjoy surprises or downtime in general, the unmistakable beauty of the English countryside during autumn will most definitely impress them. Classic autumnal foliage, fires in pubs, travelling fairs which is a tradition of England and, of course, the delectable cuisine, comprising pumpkin pies and root vegetable soups, is exactly how a Capricorn would want to spend their vacation.

Book your stay at Rubens At The Palace

Aquarius: Denmark

travel in autumn
Image credit: Baro/Pexels

This Nordic country is all geared up to welcome visitors in autumn and let travellers explore their local lifestyle, hygge. Denmark in the fall is all about cosy fireplaces, hot cocoa, warm pubs, museum tours and nature trails. This speaks directly to the curious, intelligent and forward-thinking soul of a true blue Aquarian. Governed by the planet Uranus, this fixed sign likes to explore places and things that are beyond ordinary which makes Denmark the ideal destination during the fall the best to visit.

Book your stay at Radisson

Pisces: Peru

travel in autumn
Image credit: Marco Palomino/Pexels

The designated water babies of the zodiac, Pisces are calm, reflective and peaceful beings denoted by the twin fishes swimming in opposite directions. Visiting the coast of Peru in the off-season of the fall is perfect for them, as they can indulge in an array of activities without distraction, owing to lesser crowds.

Book your stay at Hotel Holiday Inn Express

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can my zodiac sign influence my travel plans for autumn?

Zodiac signs, in general, influence travel among other major aspects of life like career and love. The sun sign, its ruling planet, modality and placement of stars in the birth chart influence travel as well.

Which zodiac signs are likely to enjoy cosy autumn getaways?

Taurus, Libra and Pisces are most likely to enjoy cosy autumn getaways.

Are there specific zodiac signs that might seek adventure during autumn?

Sagittarius would want to seek adventure during their fall vacation.

What are some recommended autumn destinations for water signs?

Paris, Peru and Norway are some recommended destinations for the water signs.

Can my zodiac sign influence my choice of autumn colours and fashion for travel?

Yes, the choice of colours and personal style is greatly influenced by the inherent characteristics and traits each zodiac displays.

Should I consider astrology when planning my autumn travel?

Yes. It is helpful to zero in on fall vacation destinations according to astrology.

Can my zodiac sign affect my preference for urban or rural autumn travel?

Yes, every zodiac sign has peculiar personality traits that influence aspects like urban or rural travel and slow or adventurous travel.

Are there any specific activities or events I should consider based on my zodiac sign for autumn travel?

Fire signs would like to participate in treks, hikes and nature trails or activities like pumpkin picking, traditional fairs and haunted house tours that highlight the autumn spirit. While earth signs would like to indulge in a spa day or maybe rent a cosy wooden villa amidst a forest, water signs would like to slow travel to experience the magnificent autumn foliage.

Are there zodiac signs that might enjoy cultural experiences during autumn travel?

Yes, fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius would enjoy a good cultural experience.

Can astrology help me choose the best travel companions for my autumn trip?

Yes, astrology helps in checking travel compatibility with other zodiacs.

Should I plan my autumn travel based solely on my zodiac sign’s recommendations?

It sure would be helpful to do so to shortlist on best fall destinations, activities and ideal travel companions.

Are there travel apps or resources that provide zodiac-based travel recommendations?

One can try apps like Chani, Nebula, Co-star and Astro Future for astrology-based travel advice.

Can I use astrology to plan a solo autumn retreat that aligns with my zodiac sign’s qualities?

One can try astrology to understand one’s traits and travel accordingly.

(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of Matt/Unsplash)

This story first appeared on Travel+Leisure India.

The post Where You Should Be Travelling To In Autumn, As Per Your Zodiac Sign appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Want To Save Some Bucks? Here Are The Best Free Things To Do In Hong Kong Sat, 19 Aug 2023 00:00:35 +0000 free things to do in hong kong

We know that Hong Kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world. A trip to this sophisticated metropolis certainly isn’t cheap. From its lavish food and giant shopping malls, you’re bound to stretch your wallet a bit to enjoy what the city has to offer to the max. But that doesn’t mean that everything in the city comes with a price. Hong Kong is certainly a place that has the best of both worlds. And with good planning, you can enjoy many things in Hong Kong for free. Read our guide to find out more!

Travelling to Hong Kong on a budget? Never mind those who say that’s impossible. Add a bit of creativity to your plan, ditch ‘tourist traps’, and travel the local way to make your experience more rewarding without having to spend too much. Hong Kong has plenty of free things to offer when it comes to art, nature, culture, and history. Whether you’re looking to go gallery hopping, escape to the beach, dive into natural wonders, or simply do some window shopping, we have you sorted with our list of the best free things to do in Hong Kong for a rewarding trip like no other.

Free things to do in Hong Kong for an enjoyable trip

1. Go gallery hopping and marvel at beautiful artworks

free things to do in hong kong gallery hopping
Image credit: bluelotusgalleryhk/Facebook

This is the perfect activity not just for art aficionados but also for travellers looking to discover more about the city’s art scene. Hong Kong is home to plenty of independent art galleries that exhibit works from various artists around the world. While galleries are spread across the city, we argue that the best place to go gallery hopping is around Central and Sheung Wan. 

Go Namjooning (a nod to BTS’ RM) and admire Korean art at Soluna Fine Art, browse through amazing photographs at Blue Lotus Gallery, or check out the works of contemporary artists at Contemporary by Angelia Li. And yes, you can visit the galleries in Hong Kong for free! Regardless of what type of art you have a penchant for, you’ll never run out of options.

Location: Hollywood Road between Central and Sheung Wan
Time: Each gallery has its own opening hours but typically open daily from 10 am to 6 pm

2. Find your zen at the beautiful temples

Image credit: souvikb/Flickr

Find your inner zen at Hong Kong’s countless temples with stunning designs. When it comes to Instagrammable interiors, Man Mo Temple is among the best. The Declared Monument is built in honour of the God of Literature (Man Cheong) and the God of War (Mo Tai), which is also where it got its name. The coils of incense hanging from the ceiling make for an excellent backdrop.

To dive deep into the city’s spiritual and local traditions, there’s no better place than Wong Tai Sin Temple. It’s home to three religions—Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism—and is among the busiest, especially during Lunar New Year. The temple’s architectural features are also something to marvel at. Then, head over to Chi Lin Nunnery for an escape to an unlikely oasis in the middle of the city. This temple is an important Buddhist sanctum but also boasts an impressive aesthetic and design.

Location: Man Mo Temple is located in Sheung Wan, Wong Tai Sin Temple in Wong Tai Sin, and Chi Lin Nunnery in Diamond Hill
Time: Each temple has its own opening hours but typically open daily from 8 am to 4 pm

3. Get up-close with nature at one of the scenic hiking trails

free things to do in hong kong hiking
Image credit: Clars Puk/Unsplash

We know that it’s easy to conjure up images of Hong Kong’s stunning skyline when thinking of the city. But we swear, Hong Kong is also filled with lush greenery, mountains, and amazing natural landscapes. So, explore the great outdoors and go hiking at any of the scenic trails the city has. For hiking novices, The Peak trail is among the easiest and in the end, you’ll be treated to epic views of Victoria Harbour. Also perfect for newbies but a little more into nature is Dragon’s Back. It boasts a glorious view of the Southern Island and coastlines. As the hike ends at Big Wave Bay, you can even reward yourself with a swim right after!

For something a little different, head over to the High Island Reservoir Dam and take in the dramatic rock formations. You also can’t go wrong with Sunset Peak as it makes for a romantic view at the summit. History buffs should try hiking along Devil’s Peak, located next to a seafood market and fishing village. Along the way, you’ll spot remains of batteries and the Old Lei Yue Mun Quarry. And of course, who could forget Lion Rock? It has an incredible panoramic view of Kowloon, Victoria Harbour, and even parts of Hong Kong Island.

Location: Each hiking trail is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Time: Open daily, all year round. We recommend checking the latest weather information before hiking

4. Enjoy lush greenery at the urban parks

free things to do in hong kong parks
Image credit: westkowloonartpark/Facebook

On the topic of greenery, you also don’t need to venture so far out to enjoy the city’s green oasis. Take a stroll at one of Hong Kong’s parks to get some fresh air in the middle of the city. Among the top choices is Tamar Park, which is perfect for picnics, thanks to its verdant open space. Many also use the grassy area for yoga and meditation.

Another famed picnic spot is West Kowloon Art Park. Located near a waterfront, parkgoers can take in the stunning Victoria Harbour view. It’s also great if you want to attend cultural events nearby as M+ Museum and Freespace are both within reach! Go cycling, jogging, watch the sunset, and enjoy a great meal. Other options on our list include Hong Kong Park for its beautiful water features, Lai Chi Kok Park for its sporting facilities and Lingnan-style garden, and Kowloon Walled City Park for some history lessons.

Location: Each park is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Timing: Open daily, all year round

5. Step back in time at the traditional villages

Image credit: WiNG/Wikimedia Commons

Get to know Hong Kong’s history by visiting its remaining traditional villages, before they completely disappear. Due to urbanisation, these villages have been in massive decline throughout the years. With those still standing today, it serves as a time machine to showcase Hong Kong’s past. Among the best-preserved villages is Tsang Tai Uk, the stronghold of the Tsang Clan. The original brick, timber, and granite materials are still well-maintained within the walls.

Meanwhile, the 400-year-old Hakka village of Lai Chi Wo may be difficult to get to, but we promise, it’s worth the adventure. It houses many cultural sites including an ancestral hall, a temple, and a monastery. The village also serves as a mid-way station for hikers. We also recommend the abandoned Yim Tin Tsai for some cultural inspiration. Despite having no residents, the village underwent a revitalisation and its iconic St. Joseph’s Chapel received UNESCO recognition. During the Yim Tin Tsai Festival, the village transforms into an open museum.

Location: Each village is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Timing: Open daily, all year round

6. Take a cultural trip to the museums

free things to do in hong kong museum

A little-known fact among the majority of public museums in Hong Kong is that they actually offer free admissions on Wednesdays! There are some exceptions for special exhibitions, but permanent ones are normally free of charge. There’s no better time to visit the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMOA) than now, following its four-year-long makeover with various artworks on display from different parts of the globe.

Science geeks shouldn’t miss out on the Hong Kong Space Museum and Hong Kong Science Museum. The Space Museum’s iconic dome-shaped exterior is already one for the books. To learn more about Hong Kong’s rich history and culture, head over to the Hong Kong Heritage Museum or Hong Kong Museum of History.

Location: Tsim Sha Tsui (HKMOA, Space, Science, and History Museums), Sha Tin (Heritage Museum)
Time: Opening hours vary per museum but typically from 10 am to 6 pm

7. See the glorious beauty of the Big Buddha

free things to do in hong kong big buddha
Image credit: Meckl Antal/Unsplash

There are many sites in Hong Kong that require no entrance fee, but the Big Buddha tops our list. It’s the most iconic attraction on Lantau Island and a must-visit spot for any tourist or resident. Besides, it sits next to Po Lin Monastery and Ngong Ping Village, making it a wonderful day trip option for any traveller. The majestic 34-metre bronze statue is simply a sight to behold! It symbolises the harmonious relationship between man and nature and is a major site of Buddhism in the city. While you can view the statue from the outside for free, going inside comes for a fee. Just be prepared for the flight of stairs before reaching the hilltop!

Location: Ngong Ping, Lantau Island, Hong Kong
Timing: Daily from 10 am to 5:30 pm

8. Bask in the turquoise waters and stunning sunset at the beach

free things to do in hong kong beach
Image credit: Joshua J. Cotten/Unsplash

Treat yourselves to a lovely dip at one of Hong Kong’s beaches. Whether you’re looking for pet-friendly ones, a spot for the whole family, or scenic views, there are plenty of sandy options to choose from. For first-timers, Shek O Beach’s laid-back vibe is perfect. Because of its location, it also has calmer waves and a peaceful vibe. Water sports lovers should consider Big Wave Bay, and as its name suggests, it is simply the place to be for surfers.

For families, Repulse Bay Beach is your hangout spot. It has many restaurants and has everything you need from supermarkets, shops, and even a day spa. If you’re considering a day to camp out, Pui O Beach is the place to pitch your tent and enjoy a barbecue. Meanwhile, Hong Kong also has its own version of Maldives over at Long Ke Wan Beach, known for its fine white sand and pristine waters.

Location: Each village is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Time: Open daily, all year round. We recommend checking the latest weather information before visiting

9. Get touristy at the street markets

Image credit: Jimmy Chan/Pexels

Shopping isn’t free but who says you can’t visit Hong Kong’s famed street markets and simply browse through the array of products? You’ll easily lose yourself in the plethora of goodies to see at the markets. Dig through the treasure trove of silk jackets, paintings, toys, and even food!

The Temple Street Night Market is a bustling bazaar you can’t ignore. It’s brimming with restaurants, performers, and street vendors. Elsewhere, the Ladies’ Market is a full-kilometre stretch of shops and stalls. And if you have the time for it, then a day trip to the idyllic Stanley neighbourhood is a great excuse to drop by Stanley Market.

Location: Each market is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Time: Open daily, all year round

10. Take a rejuvenating trip to the islands

cheung chau guide

Escape the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong and spend a day (or two) on its many islands. While you may need to spend money on transport, entering island is free of charge. Take your pick between crowd favourites Lamma Island and Cheung Chau or quaint getaways like Peng Chau and Tai O.

If you’re feeling adventurous, Po Toi Island’s unique geological formations can’t be missed. Meanwhile, Tap Mun’s grassy hills are perfect for camping, stargazing, and sunset viewing. Thriller seekers can consider a trip to Sharp Island for water sports activities or Tung Ping Chau for its natural wonders.

Location: Each island is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Time: Open daily, all year round. We recommend checking the latest weather information before taking off

Bookmark this list!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– Is entry free in the museums of Hong Kong?
Public museums in Hong Kong often do not charge any fee on Wednesdays.

– Do I need cash for Hong Kong?
It’s recommended to bring some cash when you’re in Hong Kong in case some places don’t accept credit or debit cards.

– Is Hong Kong budget-friendly?
Hong Kong can be budget-friendly if you know how to plan your trip, including places to visit that are free of charge.

Featured and hero image credit: Florian Wehde/Unsplash

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

The post Want To Save Some Bucks? Here Are The Best Free Things To Do In Hong Kong appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

free things to do in hong kong

We know that Hong Kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world. A trip to this sophisticated metropolis certainly isn’t cheap. From its lavish food and giant shopping malls, you’re bound to stretch your wallet a bit to enjoy what the city has to offer to the max. But that doesn’t mean that everything in the city comes with a price. Hong Kong is certainly a place that has the best of both worlds. And with good planning, you can enjoy many things in Hong Kong for free. Read our guide to find out more!

Travelling to Hong Kong on a budget? Never mind those who say that’s impossible. Add a bit of creativity to your plan, ditch ‘tourist traps’, and travel the local way to make your experience more rewarding without having to spend too much. Hong Kong has plenty of free things to offer when it comes to art, nature, culture, and history. Whether you’re looking to go gallery hopping, escape to the beach, dive into natural wonders, or simply do some window shopping, we have you sorted with our list of the best free things to do in Hong Kong for a rewarding trip like no other.

Free things to do in Hong Kong for an enjoyable trip

1. Go gallery hopping and marvel at beautiful artworks

free things to do in hong kong gallery hopping
Image credit: bluelotusgalleryhk/Facebook

This is the perfect activity not just for art aficionados but also for travellers looking to discover more about the city’s art scene. Hong Kong is home to plenty of independent art galleries that exhibit works from various artists around the world. While galleries are spread across the city, we argue that the best place to go gallery hopping is around Central and Sheung Wan. 

Go Namjooning (a nod to BTS’ RM) and admire Korean art at Soluna Fine Art, browse through amazing photographs at Blue Lotus Gallery, or check out the works of contemporary artists at Contemporary by Angelia Li. And yes, you can visit the galleries in Hong Kong for free! Regardless of what type of art you have a penchant for, you’ll never run out of options.

Location: Hollywood Road between Central and Sheung Wan
Time: Each gallery has its own opening hours but typically open daily from 10 am to 6 pm

2. Find your zen at the beautiful temples

Image credit: souvikb/Flickr

Find your inner zen at Hong Kong’s countless temples with stunning designs. When it comes to Instagrammable interiors, Man Mo Temple is among the best. The Declared Monument is built in honour of the God of Literature (Man Cheong) and the God of War (Mo Tai), which is also where it got its name. The coils of incense hanging from the ceiling make for an excellent backdrop.

To dive deep into the city’s spiritual and local traditions, there’s no better place than Wong Tai Sin Temple. It’s home to three religions—Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism—and is among the busiest, especially during Lunar New Year. The temple’s architectural features are also something to marvel at. Then, head over to Chi Lin Nunnery for an escape to an unlikely oasis in the middle of the city. This temple is an important Buddhist sanctum but also boasts an impressive aesthetic and design.

Location: Man Mo Temple is located in Sheung Wan, Wong Tai Sin Temple in Wong Tai Sin, and Chi Lin Nunnery in Diamond Hill
Time: Each temple has its own opening hours but typically open daily from 8 am to 4 pm

3. Get up-close with nature at one of the scenic hiking trails

free things to do in hong kong hiking
Image credit: Clars Puk/Unsplash

We know that it’s easy to conjure up images of Hong Kong’s stunning skyline when thinking of the city. But we swear, Hong Kong is also filled with lush greenery, mountains, and amazing natural landscapes. So, explore the great outdoors and go hiking at any of the scenic trails the city has. For hiking novices, The Peak trail is among the easiest and in the end, you’ll be treated to epic views of Victoria Harbour. Also perfect for newbies but a little more into nature is Dragon’s Back. It boasts a glorious view of the Southern Island and coastlines. As the hike ends at Big Wave Bay, you can even reward yourself with a swim right after!

For something a little different, head over to the High Island Reservoir Dam and take in the dramatic rock formations. You also can’t go wrong with Sunset Peak as it makes for a romantic view at the summit. History buffs should try hiking along Devil’s Peak, located next to a seafood market and fishing village. Along the way, you’ll spot remains of batteries and the Old Lei Yue Mun Quarry. And of course, who could forget Lion Rock? It has an incredible panoramic view of Kowloon, Victoria Harbour, and even parts of Hong Kong Island.

Location: Each hiking trail is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Time: Open daily, all year round. We recommend checking the latest weather information before hiking

4. Enjoy lush greenery at the urban parks

free things to do in hong kong parks
Image credit: westkowloonartpark/Facebook

On the topic of greenery, you also don’t need to venture so far out to enjoy the city’s green oasis. Take a stroll at one of Hong Kong’s parks to get some fresh air in the middle of the city. Among the top choices is Tamar Park, which is perfect for picnics, thanks to its verdant open space. Many also use the grassy area for yoga and meditation.

Another famed picnic spot is West Kowloon Art Park. Located near a waterfront, parkgoers can take in the stunning Victoria Harbour view. It’s also great if you want to attend cultural events nearby as M+ Museum and Freespace are both within reach! Go cycling, jogging, watch the sunset, and enjoy a great meal. Other options on our list include Hong Kong Park for its beautiful water features, Lai Chi Kok Park for its sporting facilities and Lingnan-style garden, and Kowloon Walled City Park for some history lessons.

Location: Each park is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Timing: Open daily, all year round

5. Step back in time at the traditional villages

Image credit: WiNG/Wikimedia Commons

Get to know Hong Kong’s history by visiting its remaining traditional villages, before they completely disappear. Due to urbanisation, these villages have been in massive decline throughout the years. With those still standing today, it serves as a time machine to showcase Hong Kong’s past. Among the best-preserved villages is Tsang Tai Uk, the stronghold of the Tsang Clan. The original brick, timber, and granite materials are still well-maintained within the walls.

Meanwhile, the 400-year-old Hakka village of Lai Chi Wo may be difficult to get to, but we promise, it’s worth the adventure. It houses many cultural sites including an ancestral hall, a temple, and a monastery. The village also serves as a mid-way station for hikers. We also recommend the abandoned Yim Tin Tsai for some cultural inspiration. Despite having no residents, the village underwent a revitalisation and its iconic St. Joseph’s Chapel received UNESCO recognition. During the Yim Tin Tsai Festival, the village transforms into an open museum.

Location: Each village is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Timing: Open daily, all year round

6. Take a cultural trip to the museums

free things to do in hong kong museum

A little-known fact among the majority of public museums in Hong Kong is that they actually offer free admissions on Wednesdays! There are some exceptions for special exhibitions, but permanent ones are normally free of charge. There’s no better time to visit the Hong Kong Museum of Art (HKMOA) than now, following its four-year-long makeover with various artworks on display from different parts of the globe.

Science geeks shouldn’t miss out on the Hong Kong Space Museum and Hong Kong Science Museum. The Space Museum’s iconic dome-shaped exterior is already one for the books. To learn more about Hong Kong’s rich history and culture, head over to the Hong Kong Heritage Museum or Hong Kong Museum of History.

Location: Tsim Sha Tsui (HKMOA, Space, Science, and History Museums), Sha Tin (Heritage Museum)
Time: Opening hours vary per museum but typically from 10 am to 6 pm

7. See the glorious beauty of the Big Buddha

free things to do in hong kong big buddha
Image credit: Meckl Antal/Unsplash

There are many sites in Hong Kong that require no entrance fee, but the Big Buddha tops our list. It’s the most iconic attraction on Lantau Island and a must-visit spot for any tourist or resident. Besides, it sits next to Po Lin Monastery and Ngong Ping Village, making it a wonderful day trip option for any traveller. The majestic 34-metre bronze statue is simply a sight to behold! It symbolises the harmonious relationship between man and nature and is a major site of Buddhism in the city. While you can view the statue from the outside for free, going inside comes for a fee. Just be prepared for the flight of stairs before reaching the hilltop!

Location: Ngong Ping, Lantau Island, Hong Kong
Timing: Daily from 10 am to 5:30 pm

8. Bask in the turquoise waters and stunning sunset at the beach

free things to do in hong kong beach
Image credit: Joshua J. Cotten/Unsplash

Treat yourselves to a lovely dip at one of Hong Kong’s beaches. Whether you’re looking for pet-friendly ones, a spot for the whole family, or scenic views, there are plenty of sandy options to choose from. For first-timers, Shek O Beach’s laid-back vibe is perfect. Because of its location, it also has calmer waves and a peaceful vibe. Water sports lovers should consider Big Wave Bay, and as its name suggests, it is simply the place to be for surfers.

For families, Repulse Bay Beach is your hangout spot. It has many restaurants and has everything you need from supermarkets, shops, and even a day spa. If you’re considering a day to camp out, Pui O Beach is the place to pitch your tent and enjoy a barbecue. Meanwhile, Hong Kong also has its own version of Maldives over at Long Ke Wan Beach, known for its fine white sand and pristine waters.

Location: Each village is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Time: Open daily, all year round. We recommend checking the latest weather information before visiting

9. Get touristy at the street markets

Image credit: Jimmy Chan/Pexels

Shopping isn’t free but who says you can’t visit Hong Kong’s famed street markets and simply browse through the array of products? You’ll easily lose yourself in the plethora of goodies to see at the markets. Dig through the treasure trove of silk jackets, paintings, toys, and even food!

The Temple Street Night Market is a bustling bazaar you can’t ignore. It’s brimming with restaurants, performers, and street vendors. Elsewhere, the Ladies’ Market is a full-kilometre stretch of shops and stalls. And if you have the time for it, then a day trip to the idyllic Stanley neighbourhood is a great excuse to drop by Stanley Market.

Location: Each market is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Time: Open daily, all year round

10. Take a rejuvenating trip to the islands

cheung chau guide

Escape the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong and spend a day (or two) on its many islands. While you may need to spend money on transport, entering island is free of charge. Take your pick between crowd favourites Lamma Island and Cheung Chau or quaint getaways like Peng Chau and Tai O.

If you’re feeling adventurous, Po Toi Island’s unique geological formations can’t be missed. Meanwhile, Tap Mun’s grassy hills are perfect for camping, stargazing, and sunset viewing. Thriller seekers can consider a trip to Sharp Island for water sports activities or Tung Ping Chau for its natural wonders.

Location: Each island is located in various parts of Hong Kong
Time: Open daily, all year round. We recommend checking the latest weather information before taking off

Bookmark this list!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– Is entry free in the museums of Hong Kong?
Public museums in Hong Kong often do not charge any fee on Wednesdays.

– Do I need cash for Hong Kong?
It’s recommended to bring some cash when you’re in Hong Kong in case some places don’t accept credit or debit cards.

– Is Hong Kong budget-friendly?
Hong Kong can be budget-friendly if you know how to plan your trip, including places to visit that are free of charge.

Featured and hero image credit: Florian Wehde/Unsplash

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

The post Want To Save Some Bucks? Here Are The Best Free Things To Do In Hong Kong appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Dior Spa Cruise: What We Know About The Unique Wellness Experience Thu, 29 Jun 2023 03:00:47 +0000 Dior Spa Cruise

The Dior Spa Cruise is getting ready to set sail once again on the waters of the River Seine. The unique experience is centred on an exquisite spa and wellness treatment for its discerning customers on board a luxury vessel as it navigates the beautiful river that cuts through Paris.

The experience is an extension of the Dior Spa Cheval Blanc Paris. It was first launched by the French luxury fashion house in June 2022 and was quickly followed up with another voyage in July the same year, making summers extra special for those in Paris.

The cruise was originally launched in honour of Dior’s runway show during Haute Couture Week and draws inspiration from the 19th century Bains de la Samaritaine floating bath on the River Seine.

Things to know about the Dior Spa Cruise and cruise experiences

What type of experiences will customers have?

Dior cruise
Image credit: @pierre__mouton via Dior Beauty Official/@diorbeauty/Instagram

There are two types of experiences that will be offered as part of the Dior Spa Cruise. One of them is Treatment Cruise and the other is called Wellness Cruise.

Both cruises are of two-hour duration each, with one hour dedicated to the specific wellness-centred cruise and one hour for leisurely activities.

A customised wellness programme is offered every day. There are four body massages and three facial treatments for those seeking the ultimate rejuvenation on board.

One of seven wellness measures is highlighted according to the programme theme every day, which are:

Detox: 3, 4, 5, 6 and 13 July

Relaxation: 7 and 10 July

Power: 8 July

Balance: 9 and 11 July

Reverse Ageing: 12 and 14 July

What is the cost of the wellness programmes?

The treatment cruise wellness programme on Dior Spa Cruise will cost EUR 680 (around USD 743). The wellness cruise, on the other hand, will cost EUR 280 (around USD 306).

Both cruises can be combined for a complete four-hour experience.

What is the vessel on which the experience will be provided?

The Dior-branded yacht, part of the upcoming Dior Spa Cruise, on which the experience is offered is called Stunning Excellence. It will be moored at Port Henri IV near Île Saint-Louis from 3 July to 14 July 2023.

The starting date coincides with the start of the couture week in Paris.

The vessel has a double cabin, four individual treatment cabins, a fitness area, a juice bar, and relaxation deck with a pool.

Views of some of Paris’ most famous attractions, such as Grand Palais and Musée d’Orsay, can be seen from its upper deck, which measures 120 square metres.

Book your Dior Spa Cruise here.

Hero and Featured images: @adriendirand via Cheval Blanc/@chevalblancparis/Instagram

This story first appeared on Travel+Leisure Global

The post Dior Spa Cruise: What We Know About The Unique Wellness Experience appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Dior Spa Cruise

The Dior Spa Cruise is getting ready to set sail once again on the waters of the River Seine. The unique experience is centred on an exquisite spa and wellness treatment for its discerning customers on board a luxury vessel as it navigates the beautiful river that cuts through Paris.

The experience is an extension of the Dior Spa Cheval Blanc Paris. It was first launched by the French luxury fashion house in June 2022 and was quickly followed up with another voyage in July the same year, making summers extra special for those in Paris.

The cruise was originally launched in honour of Dior’s runway show during Haute Couture Week and draws inspiration from the 19th century Bains de la Samaritaine floating bath on the River Seine.

Things to know about the Dior Spa Cruise and cruise experiences

What type of experiences will customers have?

Dior cruise
Image credit: @pierre__mouton via Dior Beauty Official/@diorbeauty/Instagram

There are two types of experiences that will be offered as part of the Dior Spa Cruise. One of them is Treatment Cruise and the other is called Wellness Cruise.

Both cruises are of two-hour duration each, with one hour dedicated to the specific wellness-centred cruise and one hour for leisurely activities.

A customised wellness programme is offered every day. There are four body massages and three facial treatments for those seeking the ultimate rejuvenation on board.

One of seven wellness measures is highlighted according to the programme theme every day, which are:

Detox: 3, 4, 5, 6 and 13 July

Relaxation: 7 and 10 July

Power: 8 July

Balance: 9 and 11 July

Reverse Ageing: 12 and 14 July

What is the cost of the wellness programmes?

The treatment cruise wellness programme on Dior Spa Cruise will cost EUR 680 (around USD 743). The wellness cruise, on the other hand, will cost EUR 280 (around USD 306).

Both cruises can be combined for a complete four-hour experience.

What is the vessel on which the experience will be provided?

The Dior-branded yacht, part of the upcoming Dior Spa Cruise, on which the experience is offered is called Stunning Excellence. It will be moored at Port Henri IV near Île Saint-Louis from 3 July to 14 July 2023.

The starting date coincides with the start of the couture week in Paris.

The vessel has a double cabin, four individual treatment cabins, a fitness area, a juice bar, and relaxation deck with a pool.

Views of some of Paris’ most famous attractions, such as Grand Palais and Musée d’Orsay, can be seen from its upper deck, which measures 120 square metres.

Book your Dior Spa Cruise here.

Hero and Featured images: @adriendirand via Cheval Blanc/@chevalblancparis/Instagram

This story first appeared on Travel+Leisure Global

The post Dior Spa Cruise: What We Know About The Unique Wellness Experience appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Travel+Leisure Luxury Awards 2023: Take A Look At The Exciting Winners Tue, 27 Jun 2023 00:00:54 +0000 Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards

Since its inception, Travel+Leisure Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macau (a BurdaLuxury brand) has worked meticulously to find creative ways to tell meaningful stories and celebrate authentic luxury experiences. It enjoys a remarkable history of credibility globally and in Asia and is the bible of luxury travel in Asia and abroad. Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macau hosted its first Travel+Leisure Luxury Awards Asia Pacific event recently at Park Hyatt Bangkok to celebrate the destinations, hotels, and experiences that make Asia Pacific so outstanding in hospitality.

The magnificent inaugural event highlighted and honoured the individuals, hotels, and brands that have helped shape the landscape of travel and hospitality in 16 countries in the region, and beyond. The winners were chosen through a readers’ survey where anyone from across the globe could cast their vote. The voting process took place during March and April of 2023. Based on that, ranks were rewarded in the top-10 or top-5 lists, depending on the category and destination. Renowned Thai singer, Rasmee, performed live at the party. Acqua Panna and San Pellegrino, Campari, Grey Goose, Dewar’s and Lady Trieu were beverage partners.

An expansion of the brand’s Asia’s Best Awards 2022, the Luxury Awards Asia Pacific 2023 included a comprehensive list of countries and award categories. From five-star urban escapes to idyllic private-island beach resorts, innovative spas, Instagram-worthy swimming pools, exceptional airlines and airports, captivating cruises, reputable travel agents, exclusive travel experiences, and more, the awards covered it all. It also showcased the best of what Australia, Cambodia, Laos, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, the South Pacific, Thailand, and Vietnam has to offer.

Full list of Top 10 and Top 5 lists of the Travel+Leisure Luxury Awards 2023 winners

Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards
Image Credit: Courtesy COMO

Top winner country-wise


Best City Hotels: Como The Treasury
Best Beach or Island Hotels: The Langham Gold Coast
Best Country Hotels or Lodges: Emirates One&Only Wolgan Valley
Best Hotel General Managers: Steve Molnar, Sheraton Grand Mirage Port Douglas
Best Hotel Pools: Sofitel Sydney, Darling Harbour
Best Hotel Spas: Como The Treasury


Best City Hotels: Rosewood Phnom Penh
Best Beach, Island or Upcountry Hotels: Shinta Mani Wild, Preah Sihanouk
Best Hotel General Managers: Daniel Simon, Phnom Penh
Best Hotel Pools: Raffles Hotel Le Royal, Phnom Penh
Best Hotel Spas: Six Senses Krabey Island

Hong Kong

Best Hotels: Rosewood Hong Kong
Best Hotel General Managers: Jill Goh, The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong
Best Hotel Pools: K11 Artus
Best Hotel Spas: The Oriental Spa at Landmark Mandarin Oriental


Best City Hotels: The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Mega Kuningan
Best Beach Resorts: Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay
Best Upcountry Hotels: Capella Ubud
Best Hotel General Managers: Marcel Kloet, The St. Regis Bali Resort
Best Hotel Pools: The Apurva Kempinski Bali
Best Hotel Spas: Ayana Resort Bali

Six Senses Uluwatu Bali
Image Credit: Courtesy Six Senses Uluwatu Bali


Best City Hotels: W Osaka
Best Beach or Upcountry Hotels: The Ritz-Carlton, Kyoto
Best Hotel General Managers: Go Kondo, W Osaka
Best Hotel Pools: Hoshinoya Okinawa
Best Hotel Spas: The Ritz-Carlton, Kyoto


Best Hotels: Amantaka
Best Hotel General Managers: Anshul Sharma, Sofitel and 3 Nagas M Gallery Luang Prabang
Best Hotel Pools: Sofitel Luang Prabang
Best Hotel Spas: Le Spa at Sofitel Luang Prabang


Best Hotels: Mandarin Oriental Macau
Best Hotel General Managers: Saurabh Mishra, Galaxy Hotel Macau
Best Hotel Pools: Grand Hyatt Macau
Best Hotel Spas: Banyan Tree Macau


Best City Hotels: EQ Kuala Lumpur
Best Beach or Upcountry Resorts: The Ritz-Carlton, Langkawi
Best Hotel General Managers: Grant Young, The Westin, Desaru Coast
Best Hotel Pools: The Ritz-Carlton, Langkawi
Best Hotel Spas: Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang

Best Hotel Pool
Image Credit: Courtesy The Ritz-Carlton Langkawi


Best Resorts: Anantara Kihavah
Best Resort General Managers: Idu Ribeiro, W Maldives
Best Resort Pools: Fairmont Maldives, Sirru Fen Fushi
Best Resort Spas: Joali Being
Most Outrageous Villas: Waldorf Astoria Maldives Ithaafushi – Stella Maris Ocean Villa
Best House Reefs: Anantara Kihavah – Baa Atoll
Best Resorts for Families: Patina Maldives

New Zealand

Best City Hotels: Park Hyatt Auckland
Best Country Hotels or Lodges: The Farm at Cape Kidnappers
Best Hotel Spas: Paihia Beach Resort & Spa


Best City Hotels: Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila
Beach, Island or Upcountry Resorts: Banwa Private Island
Best Hotel General Managers: Preet Singh, The Farm at San Benito
Best Hotel Pools: Shangri-La Boracay
Best Hotel Spas: The Farm at San Benito


Best Hotels: Raffles Singapore
Best Hotel General Managers: Peter Draminsky, Four Seasons Hotel Singapore
Best Hotel Pools: Marina Bay Sands
Best Hotel Spas: Oasia Spa, Oasia Resort Sentosa

Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards
Image Credit: Courtesy Accor

South Korea

Best City Hotels: Four Seasons Seoul
Best Beach or Upcountry Hotels: Park Roche Resort & Wellness, Jeongseon
Best Hotel General Managers: Brian Harris, Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas
Best Hotel Pools: Grand Hyatt Seoul
Best Hotel Spas: Grand Hyatt Seoul

South Pacific

Best Resorts: Como Laucala Island
Best Resort General Managers: Nowdla & Bill Keefe, Namale Resort & Spa
Best Resort Spas: InterContinental Fiji Golf Resort & Spa
Best Resort Pools: Namale Resort & Spa, Savusavu, Fiji
Most Outrageous Villas: St. Regis, Bora Bora
Best House Reefs: Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, Fiji
Best Resorts for Families: Castaway Island Resort, Fiji


Best City Hotels: Kimpton Maa-Lai Hotel
Best Beach or Island Resorts: Rosewood Phuket
Best Upcountry Hotels: 137 Pillars House Chiang Mai
Best Hotel General Managers: John Blanco, Capella Bangkok
Best Hotel Pools: Park Hyatt Bangkok
Best Hotel Spas: Sindhorn Kempinski


Best City Hotels: Capella Hanoi
Best Beach or Island Resorts: Regent Phu Quoc
Best Upcountry Hotels: Azerai La Residence, Hue
Best Hotel General Managers: Alexander Schoell, Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon
Best Hotel Pools: JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay Resort & Spa
Best Hotel Spas: La Veranda Resort Phu Quoc – MGallery

Top best destinations

Travel + Leisure Awards
A tuk-tuk in Bangkok’s Chinatown; Image Credit: Courtesy Nikanda/Getty


  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • Singapore
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Hong Kong
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Luang Prabang, Laos
  • Hue, Vietnam
  • Siem Reap, Cambodia
  • Taipei, Taiwan


  • Bali, Indonesia
  • Palawan, Philippines
  • Phuket, Thailand
  • Langkawi, Malaysia
  • Boracay, Philippines
  • Koh Samui, Thailand
  • Penang, Malaysia
  • Phu Quoc, Vietnam
  • Koh Phi Phi, Thailand
  • Sri Lanka

Top winners for transportation

Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards
The Best Cruise Line; Image Credit: Courtesy Silversea Cruises

Best Cruise Lines: Silversea Cruises
Best Airlines: Singapore Airlines
Best Airports: Singapore Changi

Winners of region-wide categories

Travel + Leisure Awards
The Venetian Macao; Image Credit: Courtesy Hoiana

Best Integrated Resorts: The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel
Best Hotel Loyalty Programmes: IHG One Rewards
Best Travel Agents or Specialists: Scott Dunn
Best Hotel Experiences: How to Train Your Dragon Boat, Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou

Travel+Leisure Southeast Asia, Hong and Macau’s editor-in-chief, Jeninne Lee-St. John on the luxury awards

Jeninne Lee-St. John told the audience of top-level hoteliers who attended the event on June 5. “We’re here to celebrate breaking boxes and boundaries, forward-thinking innovation, and next-generation luxury, We’re here to thank you for your clairvoyant service that gives guests what they want before they know to ask and offers what they’ll love before they’ve ever had a taste of it.

Björn Rettig, CEO of BurdaLuxury on the luxury awards

“We are thrilled to have hosted the first-ever Travel+Leisure Luxury Awards Asia Pacific event. The occasion brought together influential figures from the hospitality and travel sectors, providing a unique opportunity for networking, collaboration, and recognition.

We are proud to showcase the exceptional destinations and experiences that define Asia’s hospitality landscape, and we look forward to launching more initiatives that celebrate luxury travel in the region.

You inspire us but more importantly, you inspire our readers. You send them home with outstanding experiences and memories and new friends that they hold in their hearts. And I know this because they voted you into this room tonight.”

For the full list of all the winners, visit the Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards Asia Pacific site.

Hero Image: Courtesy The Venetian Macao; Feature Image: Courtesy Hype Digital, Singapore Tourism Board

The post Travel+Leisure Luxury Awards 2023: Take A Look At The Exciting Winners appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards

Since its inception, Travel+Leisure Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macau (a BurdaLuxury brand) has worked meticulously to find creative ways to tell meaningful stories and celebrate authentic luxury experiences. It enjoys a remarkable history of credibility globally and in Asia and is the bible of luxury travel in Asia and abroad. Travel + Leisure Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and Macau hosted its first Travel+Leisure Luxury Awards Asia Pacific event recently at Park Hyatt Bangkok to celebrate the destinations, hotels, and experiences that make Asia Pacific so outstanding in hospitality.

The magnificent inaugural event highlighted and honoured the individuals, hotels, and brands that have helped shape the landscape of travel and hospitality in 16 countries in the region, and beyond. The winners were chosen through a readers’ survey where anyone from across the globe could cast their vote. The voting process took place during March and April of 2023. Based on that, ranks were rewarded in the top-10 or top-5 lists, depending on the category and destination. Renowned Thai singer, Rasmee, performed live at the party. Acqua Panna and San Pellegrino, Campari, Grey Goose, Dewar’s and Lady Trieu were beverage partners.

An expansion of the brand’s Asia’s Best Awards 2022, the Luxury Awards Asia Pacific 2023 included a comprehensive list of countries and award categories. From five-star urban escapes to idyllic private-island beach resorts, innovative spas, Instagram-worthy swimming pools, exceptional airlines and airports, captivating cruises, reputable travel agents, exclusive travel experiences, and more, the awards covered it all. It also showcased the best of what Australia, Cambodia, Laos, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Maldives, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, the South Pacific, Thailand, and Vietnam has to offer.

Full list of Top 10 and Top 5 lists of the Travel+Leisure Luxury Awards 2023 winners

Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards
Image Credit: Courtesy COMO

Top winner country-wise


Best City Hotels: Como The Treasury
Best Beach or Island Hotels: The Langham Gold Coast
Best Country Hotels or Lodges: Emirates One&Only Wolgan Valley
Best Hotel General Managers: Steve Molnar, Sheraton Grand Mirage Port Douglas
Best Hotel Pools: Sofitel Sydney, Darling Harbour
Best Hotel Spas: Como The Treasury


Best City Hotels: Rosewood Phnom Penh
Best Beach, Island or Upcountry Hotels: Shinta Mani Wild, Preah Sihanouk
Best Hotel General Managers: Daniel Simon, Phnom Penh
Best Hotel Pools: Raffles Hotel Le Royal, Phnom Penh
Best Hotel Spas: Six Senses Krabey Island

Hong Kong

Best Hotels: Rosewood Hong Kong
Best Hotel General Managers: Jill Goh, The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong
Best Hotel Pools: K11 Artus
Best Hotel Spas: The Oriental Spa at Landmark Mandarin Oriental


Best City Hotels: The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Mega Kuningan
Best Beach Resorts: Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay
Best Upcountry Hotels: Capella Ubud
Best Hotel General Managers: Marcel Kloet, The St. Regis Bali Resort
Best Hotel Pools: The Apurva Kempinski Bali
Best Hotel Spas: Ayana Resort Bali

Six Senses Uluwatu Bali
Image Credit: Courtesy Six Senses Uluwatu Bali


Best City Hotels: W Osaka
Best Beach or Upcountry Hotels: The Ritz-Carlton, Kyoto
Best Hotel General Managers: Go Kondo, W Osaka
Best Hotel Pools: Hoshinoya Okinawa
Best Hotel Spas: The Ritz-Carlton, Kyoto


Best Hotels: Amantaka
Best Hotel General Managers: Anshul Sharma, Sofitel and 3 Nagas M Gallery Luang Prabang
Best Hotel Pools: Sofitel Luang Prabang
Best Hotel Spas: Le Spa at Sofitel Luang Prabang


Best Hotels: Mandarin Oriental Macau
Best Hotel General Managers: Saurabh Mishra, Galaxy Hotel Macau
Best Hotel Pools: Grand Hyatt Macau
Best Hotel Spas: Banyan Tree Macau


Best City Hotels: EQ Kuala Lumpur
Best Beach or Upcountry Resorts: The Ritz-Carlton, Langkawi
Best Hotel General Managers: Grant Young, The Westin, Desaru Coast
Best Hotel Pools: The Ritz-Carlton, Langkawi
Best Hotel Spas: Shangri-La’s Rasa Sayang Resort & Spa, Penang

Best Hotel Pool
Image Credit: Courtesy The Ritz-Carlton Langkawi


Best Resorts: Anantara Kihavah
Best Resort General Managers: Idu Ribeiro, W Maldives
Best Resort Pools: Fairmont Maldives, Sirru Fen Fushi
Best Resort Spas: Joali Being
Most Outrageous Villas: Waldorf Astoria Maldives Ithaafushi – Stella Maris Ocean Villa
Best House Reefs: Anantara Kihavah – Baa Atoll
Best Resorts for Families: Patina Maldives

New Zealand

Best City Hotels: Park Hyatt Auckland
Best Country Hotels or Lodges: The Farm at Cape Kidnappers
Best Hotel Spas: Paihia Beach Resort & Spa


Best City Hotels: Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila
Beach, Island or Upcountry Resorts: Banwa Private Island
Best Hotel General Managers: Preet Singh, The Farm at San Benito
Best Hotel Pools: Shangri-La Boracay
Best Hotel Spas: The Farm at San Benito


Best Hotels: Raffles Singapore
Best Hotel General Managers: Peter Draminsky, Four Seasons Hotel Singapore
Best Hotel Pools: Marina Bay Sands
Best Hotel Spas: Oasia Spa, Oasia Resort Sentosa

Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards
Image Credit: Courtesy Accor

South Korea

Best City Hotels: Four Seasons Seoul
Best Beach or Upcountry Hotels: Park Roche Resort & Wellness, Jeongseon
Best Hotel General Managers: Brian Harris, Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas
Best Hotel Pools: Grand Hyatt Seoul
Best Hotel Spas: Grand Hyatt Seoul

South Pacific

Best Resorts: Como Laucala Island
Best Resort General Managers: Nowdla & Bill Keefe, Namale Resort & Spa
Best Resort Spas: InterContinental Fiji Golf Resort & Spa
Best Resort Pools: Namale Resort & Spa, Savusavu, Fiji
Most Outrageous Villas: St. Regis, Bora Bora
Best House Reefs: Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort, Fiji
Best Resorts for Families: Castaway Island Resort, Fiji


Best City Hotels: Kimpton Maa-Lai Hotel
Best Beach or Island Resorts: Rosewood Phuket
Best Upcountry Hotels: 137 Pillars House Chiang Mai
Best Hotel General Managers: John Blanco, Capella Bangkok
Best Hotel Pools: Park Hyatt Bangkok
Best Hotel Spas: Sindhorn Kempinski


Best City Hotels: Capella Hanoi
Best Beach or Island Resorts: Regent Phu Quoc
Best Upcountry Hotels: Azerai La Residence, Hue
Best Hotel General Managers: Alexander Schoell, Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon
Best Hotel Pools: JW Marriott Phu Quoc Emerald Bay Resort & Spa
Best Hotel Spas: La Veranda Resort Phu Quoc – MGallery

Top best destinations

Travel + Leisure Awards
A tuk-tuk in Bangkok’s Chinatown; Image Credit: Courtesy Nikanda/Getty


  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • Singapore
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Hong Kong
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Luang Prabang, Laos
  • Hue, Vietnam
  • Siem Reap, Cambodia
  • Taipei, Taiwan


  • Bali, Indonesia
  • Palawan, Philippines
  • Phuket, Thailand
  • Langkawi, Malaysia
  • Boracay, Philippines
  • Koh Samui, Thailand
  • Penang, Malaysia
  • Phu Quoc, Vietnam
  • Koh Phi Phi, Thailand
  • Sri Lanka

Top winners for transportation

Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards
The Best Cruise Line; Image Credit: Courtesy Silversea Cruises

Best Cruise Lines: Silversea Cruises
Best Airlines: Singapore Airlines
Best Airports: Singapore Changi

Winners of region-wide categories

Travel + Leisure Awards
The Venetian Macao; Image Credit: Courtesy Hoiana

Best Integrated Resorts: The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel
Best Hotel Loyalty Programmes: IHG One Rewards
Best Travel Agents or Specialists: Scott Dunn
Best Hotel Experiences: How to Train Your Dragon Boat, Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou

Travel+Leisure Southeast Asia, Hong and Macau’s editor-in-chief, Jeninne Lee-St. John on the luxury awards

Jeninne Lee-St. John told the audience of top-level hoteliers who attended the event on June 5. “We’re here to celebrate breaking boxes and boundaries, forward-thinking innovation, and next-generation luxury, We’re here to thank you for your clairvoyant service that gives guests what they want before they know to ask and offers what they’ll love before they’ve ever had a taste of it.

Björn Rettig, CEO of BurdaLuxury on the luxury awards

“We are thrilled to have hosted the first-ever Travel+Leisure Luxury Awards Asia Pacific event. The occasion brought together influential figures from the hospitality and travel sectors, providing a unique opportunity for networking, collaboration, and recognition.

We are proud to showcase the exceptional destinations and experiences that define Asia’s hospitality landscape, and we look forward to launching more initiatives that celebrate luxury travel in the region.

You inspire us but more importantly, you inspire our readers. You send them home with outstanding experiences and memories and new friends that they hold in their hearts. And I know this because they voted you into this room tonight.”

For the full list of all the winners, visit the Travel + Leisure Luxury Awards Asia Pacific site.

Hero Image: Courtesy The Venetian Macao; Feature Image: Courtesy Hype Digital, Singapore Tourism Board

The post Travel+Leisure Luxury Awards 2023: Take A Look At The Exciting Winners appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

The Most Expensive Private Planes In The World Sat, 03 Jun 2023 04:00:11 +0000 most expensive private planes

If you want to fly the skies in luxury and style, then look no further than this list of some of the most expensive private planes. 

Flying is a pain—that is, it’s a pain for most of us who can only afford to fly economy. Even flying first class or business class is something many of us only hope to somehow miraculously experience one day. But if you’re one of the very few people that consider first class the only way to fly and even that’s getting to be a little too burdensome, then you may actually have the financial means to perhaps buy one of the planes listed here.

Forego the tight aisles, the snoring passengers, and the limited space. Here are some of the most expensive private planes you can buy so you can truly fly not just in comfort and style but in luxury.

From Gulfstream to Airbus, here are some of the most expensive private planes

Gulfstream G700 – USD $75 million

Image credit: Gulfstream

The name “Gulfstream” is synonymous with private jets and their latest flagship model carries on their tradition of providing customers with a comfortable time in the skies all in the luxury of their very own plane. Don’t be fooled just because it’s the cheapest plane on this list. The G700 can come with up to five living areas and the whole plane can seat 19 passengers. Gulfstream has also boasted that the G700 is sustainable, from its aerodynamic design and engineering to its interior design, where you can choose leather alternatives or vegetable-dyed materials for the inside of the plane. Aside from the design and interior, the G700 also boasts a maximum range of 7,500 nautical miles (13,890 kilometres) with a maximum speed of 0.925 Mach.

Bombardier Global 8000 – USD $78 million

Image credit: Bombardier

The Canadian jet company’s latest iteration of their Global line of private jets boats the ability to comfortably seat 19 people and can reach speeds of up to 1,000 kilometres per hour or Mach 0.94. The “8000” is actually the nautical miles it can reach, which is 14,816 kilometres, enabling one-way flights between cities like Singapore to LA and London to Perth. The plane comes with a conference suite, which includes a space that can either be a meeting or dining space that seats six, as well as an entertainment suite complete with a 40-inc 4K TV with home theatre surround sound. But if you just want to get some rest, the principal suite has a full-sized bed and an en suite lavatory with a stand up shower so you arrive at your destination rested and refreshed. 

Airbus ACJ350 – USD $317 million

Image credit: Airbus

An Airbus as a private jet? If you’ve got a little upwards of USD $300 million, why not? Small and compact usually come to mind when someone mentions “private jets”, but the Airbus ACJ350 boasts a floor area of 308 square metres. The concept of its interior design is to make it feel like your home in the sky. Some of the unseen things that contribute to the comfort of this Airbus include the cabin air being exchanged every two minutes and it also has the “quietest sound level in the industry” according to its brochure. The cabin’s layout is completely up to you. You’ll work with the ACJ TwoTwenty Creative Studio who will take into account how you’ll be using your plane and propose a design according to what you’ve told them. Depending on what you want, you may have to shell out a couple more million for your cabin. You have some lying around anyway, right?

Boeing 747-8 – USD $418.4 million 

Image credit: Boeing

This particular model is used by Lufthansa, Koran Air, Nippon Cargo Airlines, and is even the model for the current Air Force One. So if you have one of these as a private plane, it means you’ve really got deep pockets—and you want to show it off. One of the few people who own one for private use is a Middle Eastern businessman who hired design house Albert Pinto for the interior, transforming the humongous plane into the businessman’s very own mansion in the sky. So yes, it is possible to have a Boeing 747-8 all to yourself. 

Airbus A380 – USD $432.6 million

Image credit: Airbus

Disclaimer: this is a bit of a cheat. Like the Boeing 747-8, the Airbus A380 is a plane that’s usually utilised for commercial and cargo uses. However, in 2007, Prince Al Waleed bin Talal Al Saud commissioned an A380 for himself which he dubbed “The Flying Palace”, which is a fitting name considering that the plan was to have three decks and that the typical seating for the plane can accommodate a whopping 525 passengers. The Flying Palace was going to have a garage, a business centre with two conference rooms, and five master bedrooms on the owner’s deck according to Autoevolution

Despite all these luxurious plans, the plane was never built for unknown reasons. Why then is this plane on this list? The prince has proven that you can buy an Airbus A380 for your own private use. While there isn’t one that’s privately owned right now, you might be the one to outdo the prince if you decide to procure a Flying Palace for yourself. 

[Image credit: Bombardier]

This story first appeared on Prestige Online Thailand

The post The Most Expensive Private Planes In The World appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

most expensive private planes

If you want to fly the skies in luxury and style, then look no further than this list of some of the most expensive private planes. 

Flying is a pain—that is, it’s a pain for most of us who can only afford to fly economy. Even flying first class or business class is something many of us only hope to somehow miraculously experience one day. But if you’re one of the very few people that consider first class the only way to fly and even that’s getting to be a little too burdensome, then you may actually have the financial means to perhaps buy one of the planes listed here.

Forego the tight aisles, the snoring passengers, and the limited space. Here are some of the most expensive private planes you can buy so you can truly fly not just in comfort and style but in luxury.

From Gulfstream to Airbus, here are some of the most expensive private planes

Gulfstream G700 – USD $75 million

Image credit: Gulfstream

The name “Gulfstream” is synonymous with private jets and their latest flagship model carries on their tradition of providing customers with a comfortable time in the skies all in the luxury of their very own plane. Don’t be fooled just because it’s the cheapest plane on this list. The G700 can come with up to five living areas and the whole plane can seat 19 passengers. Gulfstream has also boasted that the G700 is sustainable, from its aerodynamic design and engineering to its interior design, where you can choose leather alternatives or vegetable-dyed materials for the inside of the plane. Aside from the design and interior, the G700 also boasts a maximum range of 7,500 nautical miles (13,890 kilometres) with a maximum speed of 0.925 Mach.

Bombardier Global 8000 – USD $78 million

Image credit: Bombardier

The Canadian jet company’s latest iteration of their Global line of private jets boats the ability to comfortably seat 19 people and can reach speeds of up to 1,000 kilometres per hour or Mach 0.94. The “8000” is actually the nautical miles it can reach, which is 14,816 kilometres, enabling one-way flights between cities like Singapore to LA and London to Perth. The plane comes with a conference suite, which includes a space that can either be a meeting or dining space that seats six, as well as an entertainment suite complete with a 40-inc 4K TV with home theatre surround sound. But if you just want to get some rest, the principal suite has a full-sized bed and an en suite lavatory with a stand up shower so you arrive at your destination rested and refreshed. 

Airbus ACJ350 – USD $317 million

Image credit: Airbus

An Airbus as a private jet? If you’ve got a little upwards of USD $300 million, why not? Small and compact usually come to mind when someone mentions “private jets”, but the Airbus ACJ350 boasts a floor area of 308 square metres. The concept of its interior design is to make it feel like your home in the sky. Some of the unseen things that contribute to the comfort of this Airbus include the cabin air being exchanged every two minutes and it also has the “quietest sound level in the industry” according to its brochure. The cabin’s layout is completely up to you. You’ll work with the ACJ TwoTwenty Creative Studio who will take into account how you’ll be using your plane and propose a design according to what you’ve told them. Depending on what you want, you may have to shell out a couple more million for your cabin. You have some lying around anyway, right?

Boeing 747-8 – USD $418.4 million 

Image credit: Boeing

This particular model is used by Lufthansa, Koran Air, Nippon Cargo Airlines, and is even the model for the current Air Force One. So if you have one of these as a private plane, it means you’ve really got deep pockets—and you want to show it off. One of the few people who own one for private use is a Middle Eastern businessman who hired design house Albert Pinto for the interior, transforming the humongous plane into the businessman’s very own mansion in the sky. So yes, it is possible to have a Boeing 747-8 all to yourself. 

Airbus A380 – USD $432.6 million

Image credit: Airbus

Disclaimer: this is a bit of a cheat. Like the Boeing 747-8, the Airbus A380 is a plane that’s usually utilised for commercial and cargo uses. However, in 2007, Prince Al Waleed bin Talal Al Saud commissioned an A380 for himself which he dubbed “The Flying Palace”, which is a fitting name considering that the plan was to have three decks and that the typical seating for the plane can accommodate a whopping 525 passengers. The Flying Palace was going to have a garage, a business centre with two conference rooms, and five master bedrooms on the owner’s deck according to Autoevolution

Despite all these luxurious plans, the plane was never built for unknown reasons. Why then is this plane on this list? The prince has proven that you can buy an Airbus A380 for your own private use. While there isn’t one that’s privately owned right now, you might be the one to outdo the prince if you decide to procure a Flying Palace for yourself. 

[Image credit: Bombardier]

This story first appeared on Prestige Online Thailand

The post The Most Expensive Private Planes In The World appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

These Two Airlines Are Giving Away Free Flight Tickets To Hong Kong From Seoul Fri, 19 May 2023 10:22:03 +0000 Hong Kong free flight

Not one but three major Hong Kong airlines are joining hands for a free flight ticket giveaway from South Korea to Hong Kong. Starting May 16, participants can win one of the 24,000 economy round-trip tickets. The lucky draw by Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong Airlines, and Greater Bay Airlines is part of the Hello Hong Kong campaign. Hong Kong Airlines and Greater Bay Airlines have begun their giveaway for passengers from Seoul. Hong Kong Airlines offers return tickets to passengers from Seoul can on a first-come-first-served basis from May 17-19. Greater Bay Airlines will run two lucky draw campaigns in May and June to distribute 200 tickets to visitors from Seoul.

This free ticket giveaway is the latest in the campaign from the World of Winners initiative. Most recently, 80,000 air tickets were allocated across Southeast Asia3,620 for travellers across the UK, and 6,240 for those in Europe and the Middle East. With the campaign, the government hopes to lure international tourists back to Hong Kong and revive the pandemic-stricken economy.

Greater Bay Airline is giving away 200 round-rip tickets via lucky draw

The Hong Kong Airlines tickets will be valid for travel between May 17 and October 26, 2023, for a minimum stay of 2-7 days. The airline will also begin a “2-for-1” round-trip ticket offers on flights from Seoul to Hong Kong on May 23. On the other hand, Greater Bay Airlines will run two lucky draw competitions for 200 round-trip tickets to Hong Kong. While the campaign for the first 100 tickets will run from May 16-31, the giveaway for the second lot will run from June 10-30.

To qualify for Greater Bay Airlines giveaways, follow Greater Bay Airlines’ Instagram page, add its KakaoTalk channel, and sign up for its Naver blog. Finally, upload screenshots on the registration form as proof of your following. If you win, you will be notified via email on June 2The airline will announce the recipients of the second 100 tickets on July 3. The airline will also post the results of the giveaways on their Naver blog. 

How to win free flight tickets from South Korea to Hong Kong

Cathay Pacific is rolling out more than 10,600 return tickets for participants between May 16 and 22. Passengers must be at least 19 years old and registered Cathay members. They should then fill out a form with the name registered on the Cathay Pacific website. 

Winners will be notified on June 1 and receive a redemption code via email, which they can use to redeem the tickets within one month. Once the tickets are redeemed, passengers can use them for two to seven-day trips to Hong Kong. The tickets will be valid for nine months from the redemption date.

Note: All taxes and surcharges are not a part of the giveaway and are at a cost to the traveller.


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A post shared by Hong Kong Airlines (@hkairlines)

Cathay Pacific’s next giveaway

Following Southeast Asia, the UK, Europe, and the Middle East, Cathay Pacific is rolling out another lucky draw later this month. This time, it will be for travellers coming from North America, Australia, and New Zealand. So, stay tuned for more offers on the airlines’ social media channels.

Other than flight tickets, there have also been travel and dining vouchers, as well as other incentives. For Hongkongers, the government has already distributed the first round of consumption vouchers in April. Keep your eyes peeled for more giveaways in the coming months.

Featured and hero image credit: hkairlines/Instagram

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

The post These Two Airlines Are Giving Away Free Flight Tickets To Hong Kong From Seoul appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Hong Kong free flight

Not one but three major Hong Kong airlines are joining hands for a free flight ticket giveaway from South Korea to Hong Kong. Starting May 16, participants can win one of the 24,000 economy round-trip tickets. The lucky draw by Cathay Pacific, Hong Kong Airlines, and Greater Bay Airlines is part of the Hello Hong Kong campaign. Hong Kong Airlines and Greater Bay Airlines have begun their giveaway for passengers from Seoul. Hong Kong Airlines offers return tickets to passengers from Seoul can on a first-come-first-served basis from May 17-19. Greater Bay Airlines will run two lucky draw campaigns in May and June to distribute 200 tickets to visitors from Seoul.

This free ticket giveaway is the latest in the campaign from the World of Winners initiative. Most recently, 80,000 air tickets were allocated across Southeast Asia3,620 for travellers across the UK, and 6,240 for those in Europe and the Middle East. With the campaign, the government hopes to lure international tourists back to Hong Kong and revive the pandemic-stricken economy.

Greater Bay Airline is giving away 200 round-rip tickets via lucky draw

The Hong Kong Airlines tickets will be valid for travel between May 17 and October 26, 2023, for a minimum stay of 2-7 days. The airline will also begin a “2-for-1” round-trip ticket offers on flights from Seoul to Hong Kong on May 23. On the other hand, Greater Bay Airlines will run two lucky draw competitions for 200 round-trip tickets to Hong Kong. While the campaign for the first 100 tickets will run from May 16-31, the giveaway for the second lot will run from June 10-30.

To qualify for Greater Bay Airlines giveaways, follow Greater Bay Airlines’ Instagram page, add its KakaoTalk channel, and sign up for its Naver blog. Finally, upload screenshots on the registration form as proof of your following. If you win, you will be notified via email on June 2The airline will announce the recipients of the second 100 tickets on July 3. The airline will also post the results of the giveaways on their Naver blog. 

How to win free flight tickets from South Korea to Hong Kong

Cathay Pacific is rolling out more than 10,600 return tickets for participants between May 16 and 22. Passengers must be at least 19 years old and registered Cathay members. They should then fill out a form with the name registered on the Cathay Pacific website. 

Winners will be notified on June 1 and receive a redemption code via email, which they can use to redeem the tickets within one month. Once the tickets are redeemed, passengers can use them for two to seven-day trips to Hong Kong. The tickets will be valid for nine months from the redemption date.

Note: All taxes and surcharges are not a part of the giveaway and are at a cost to the traveller.


View this post on Instagram


A post shared by Hong Kong Airlines (@hkairlines)

Cathay Pacific’s next giveaway

Following Southeast Asia, the UK, Europe, and the Middle East, Cathay Pacific is rolling out another lucky draw later this month. This time, it will be for travellers coming from North America, Australia, and New Zealand. So, stay tuned for more offers on the airlines’ social media channels.

Other than flight tickets, there have also been travel and dining vouchers, as well as other incentives. For Hongkongers, the government has already distributed the first round of consumption vouchers in April. Keep your eyes peeled for more giveaways in the coming months.

Featured and hero image credit: hkairlines/Instagram

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

The post These Two Airlines Are Giving Away Free Flight Tickets To Hong Kong From Seoul appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Cathay Pacific Is Offering 5590 Free Round-Trip Tickets From India, Nepal, Bangladesh And Dubai Thu, 18 May 2023 07:42:33 +0000 Cathay Pacific free ticketsay pacific

After nearly three years of border closures, Hong Kong is ready to lure in the crowds that once packed its streets. And none other than the city’s flagship carrier, Cathay Pacific, is leading the charge by handing out free tickets. The airline has been rolling out several giveaways since March 2023. In their latest instalment, the airline offers return tickets to Hong Kong from India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Dubai. 

The airline will hand out 5,590 economy round-trip tickets to travellers from Dubai, Bengaluru, New Delhi, Mumbai, Kathmandu, and Dhaka in a lucky draw campaign that goes live on May 22 and closes on May 28. 

Here’s how to win Cathay Pacific free flight tickets

Cathay Pacific is handing out 4,260 and 650 tickets to travellers from India and Dubai, respectively. In addition, about 340 tickets will be up for grabs for visitors from Nepal and Bangladesh.

To qualify for the tickets, you must sign up on the Cathay Pacific website and become a member. Make sure that your registration name matches the name on your passport. The lucky dray campaign rolls out on May 22, so make sure that you log onto the website at 12 pm local time to catch the offer as soon as it is out. 

The lucky draw winners will be announced via email and on the campaign website on June 7. If you win, you will receive a redemption code via email, which you must use to book the tickets. 

Note: The relevant taxes and surcharges will be at the traveller’s cost.

Cathay Pacific free flights

Tickets will be valid for nine months

While tickets will be valid for travel to Hong Kong for up to nine months, winners must use their redemption code within a month of receiving the mail. The minimum stay period for travellers from India, Nepal, and Bangladesh is two days, and the maximum stay period is seven days. Visitors from Dubai can book stays between two days to one month.

Cathay Pacific has been distributing tickets from several countries, thanks to the Hello Hong Kong and World of Winners initiatives. Offers from the UK, Europe, South Korea, the US, and Canada are already live on the website.

Are you ready to say ‘hello’ to Hong Kong? Sign up on the airline’s website now.

(Hero and feature image credits: Pixabay)

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

The post Cathay Pacific Is Offering 5590 Free Round-Trip Tickets From India, Nepal, Bangladesh And Dubai appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Cathay Pacific free ticketsay pacific

After nearly three years of border closures, Hong Kong is ready to lure in the crowds that once packed its streets. And none other than the city’s flagship carrier, Cathay Pacific, is leading the charge by handing out free tickets. The airline has been rolling out several giveaways since March 2023. In their latest instalment, the airline offers return tickets to Hong Kong from India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Dubai. 

The airline will hand out 5,590 economy round-trip tickets to travellers from Dubai, Bengaluru, New Delhi, Mumbai, Kathmandu, and Dhaka in a lucky draw campaign that goes live on May 22 and closes on May 28. 

Here’s how to win Cathay Pacific free flight tickets

Cathay Pacific is handing out 4,260 and 650 tickets to travellers from India and Dubai, respectively. In addition, about 340 tickets will be up for grabs for visitors from Nepal and Bangladesh.

To qualify for the tickets, you must sign up on the Cathay Pacific website and become a member. Make sure that your registration name matches the name on your passport. The lucky dray campaign rolls out on May 22, so make sure that you log onto the website at 12 pm local time to catch the offer as soon as it is out. 

The lucky draw winners will be announced via email and on the campaign website on June 7. If you win, you will receive a redemption code via email, which you must use to book the tickets. 

Note: The relevant taxes and surcharges will be at the traveller’s cost.

Cathay Pacific free flights

Tickets will be valid for nine months

While tickets will be valid for travel to Hong Kong for up to nine months, winners must use their redemption code within a month of receiving the mail. The minimum stay period for travellers from India, Nepal, and Bangladesh is two days, and the maximum stay period is seven days. Visitors from Dubai can book stays between two days to one month.

Cathay Pacific has been distributing tickets from several countries, thanks to the Hello Hong Kong and World of Winners initiatives. Offers from the UK, Europe, South Korea, the US, and Canada are already live on the website.

Are you ready to say ‘hello’ to Hong Kong? Sign up on the airline’s website now.

(Hero and feature image credits: Pixabay)

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

The post Cathay Pacific Is Offering 5590 Free Round-Trip Tickets From India, Nepal, Bangladesh And Dubai appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Swimming Pool Passes: 10 Hotels Offering The Best Deals In Hong Kong This Summer Mon, 15 May 2023 14:56:10 +0000 swimming pool pass

Summer weather has hit Hong Kong, and you know what that means: scorching hot days and sweltering nights. It also means junk trips and afternoons at the beach. But sometimes it’s not worth committing to either. That’s when you know it’s time to head to the nearest pool for a day of fun and relaxation. Are you wondering how to get the best deal? Simply get a hotel swimming pool pass!

While it’s true that you can always opt for public and government-run swimming pools, let’s admit that they also don’t tend to be the most ideal. For starters, you can expect them to get crowded during the summer. Then, how else would you enjoy splashing in the water with a tipple in hand? You’re in for a treat because many of Hong Kong’s hotels have their own swimming pools! Enjoy your (semi) private time, top-notch facilities, amazing views, and numerous dining options all while dipping your toes into the waters.

Unsure where to start? We scoured the city for the best hotel swimming pool passes. So, whether you’re looking for an affordable deal, options that are located high above the ground, or infinity pools, there’s plenty to choose from. Have a blast!

The best hotel swimming pool passes in Hong Kong

1 /10


Sunbathing poolside on the 42nd floor can’t get much higher, especially with spectacular views of Kowloon and a refreshing house-made ice pop in hand. Jump in the 20-metre-long heated pool and relax with the underwater audio system and fibre optic lighting effects. With the Health Club Day Pass, you get access to the wellness and fitness facilities in the hotel.

555 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok, Hong Kong
+852 3552 33888

2 /10

Kerry Hotel

Kerry Hotel’s astonishing infinity pool and the view from it is the absolute draw here. But we reckon the view is better from this side of town looking back over the island. The pass includes not only the use of the pool but also a set lunch.

8 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
+852 2252 5888

3 /10

The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong

While The Ritz-Carlton’s pool day pass is on the pricey side, nowhere in the city can you beat the glorious views from the only infinity pool 118 floors above ground. Running alongside floor-length windows, it’s almost as if you could just swim straight into the harbour itself.

International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong
+852 2263 2263

4 /10

The Mira

At the MiraSpa’s sparkling indoor heated pool, located in the basement, you can enjoy a dip and a relaxed poolside afternoon even if the weather’s not ideal. It includes access to the fitness centre and the sauna, whirlpool and curiously, a waterbed lounge.

118-130 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
+852 2368 1111

5 /10

The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong

When The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong opened, the buzz was all about its close proximity to Ocean Park. But one of its best highlights is the 60-metre outdoor infinity pool for adults and The Lagoon for kids. Both of these pools hover over the South China Sea. Make use of the swimming pool pass to escape to this serene oasis to relax and swim.

3 Ocean Drive, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
+852 2166 7399

6 /10

W Hong Kong

There’s so much to love about WET, the rooftop swimming pool located on the 76th floor of W Hong Kong. In addition to being the highest outdoor swimming pool in Hong Kong, it also has panoramic views and an outdoor jacuzzi. If you get hungry, you can always drop by the poolside bar for some tipples and snacks. While the Weekday Pass has everything (and much more) you need, you can also opt for the Everyday Deluxe Pass. It’s an upgraded version of the pass with perks like an HKD 1,000 gift voucher for use at Bliss Spa!

1 Austin Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong
+852 3717 2222

7 /10

Grand Hyatt Hong Kong

Thanks to its location on the 11th floor of Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, this 50-metre outdoor pool boasts incredible views of the Central skyline. We recommend booking closer to sunset so you can take in an even more stunning sight. The poolside sun loungers provide a rest spot to chill while enjoying refreshments at The Waterfall Bar. With the layout reminiscent of a beach, you don’t have to travel far and wide to swim.

1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
+852 2588 1234

8 /10

The Langham

Dip your toes into the heavenly and heated swimming pool at The Langham. Located on the 15th floor of the hotel, it provides a great escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Simply unwind at the hot tub or get sunkissed at the loungers. You’ll never go hungry with the selection of refreshments such as sandwiches, salads, and cocktails. The day pass also includes access to the Health Club, jacuzzi, and sauna.

8 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
+852 2375 1133

9 /10

Le Méridien Hong Kong

Summer is in full swing at Le Méridien Hong Kong, ushering in guests to soak up the sun rays all while enjoying music, performances, and bubbles courtesy of the summer pool party package. Nowhere in Hong Kong are there five pool passes to choose from! The Piscine Party Pass includes a drink while the Bubbles Package comes with three hours of free-flowing sparkling wine and house liquors.

The Chich Roast & Pool Package consists of a non-stop French barbecue buffet. The Pool Me Up Package is perfect for party-goers while those who need an escape should go for the Chic Cabana Package for extra privacy. Whichever you pick, it’ll surely be a fun pool party!

100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
+852 2980 7417

10 /10

Harbour Grand Hong Kong, North Point

There are few things that can beat an iced tea (boozy or not) with prime views of the harbour. Harbour Grand Hong Kong’s day pass is one of the more wallet-friendly options in the city. It includes access to the state-of-the-art health club, as well as the jacuzzi and sauna facilities inside each changing room.

3 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong
+852 21212 2688

The post Swimming Pool Passes: 10 Hotels Offering The Best Deals In Hong Kong This Summer appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

swimming pool pass

Summer weather has hit Hong Kong, and you know what that means: scorching hot days and sweltering nights. It also means junk trips and afternoons at the beach. But sometimes it’s not worth committing to either. That’s when you know it’s time to head to the nearest pool for a day of fun and relaxation. Are you wondering how to get the best deal? Simply get a hotel swimming pool pass!

While it’s true that you can always opt for public and government-run swimming pools, let’s admit that they also don’t tend to be the most ideal. For starters, you can expect them to get crowded during the summer. Then, how else would you enjoy splashing in the water with a tipple in hand? You’re in for a treat because many of Hong Kong’s hotels have their own swimming pools! Enjoy your (semi) private time, top-notch facilities, amazing views, and numerous dining options all while dipping your toes into the waters.

Unsure where to start? We scoured the city for the best hotel swimming pool passes. So, whether you’re looking for an affordable deal, options that are located high above the ground, or infinity pools, there’s plenty to choose from. Have a blast!

The best hotel swimming pool passes in Hong Kong

1 /10


Sunbathing poolside on the 42nd floor can’t get much higher, especially with spectacular views of Kowloon and a refreshing house-made ice pop in hand. Jump in the 20-metre-long heated pool and relax with the underwater audio system and fibre optic lighting effects. With the Health Club Day Pass, you get access to the wellness and fitness facilities in the hotel.

555 Shanghai Street, Mong Kok, Hong Kong
+852 3552 33888

2 /10

Kerry Hotel

Kerry Hotel’s astonishing infinity pool and the view from it is the absolute draw here. But we reckon the view is better from this side of town looking back over the island. The pass includes not only the use of the pool but also a set lunch.

8 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
+852 2252 5888

3 /10

The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong

While The Ritz-Carlton’s pool day pass is on the pricey side, nowhere in the city can you beat the glorious views from the only infinity pool 118 floors above ground. Running alongside floor-length windows, it’s almost as if you could just swim straight into the harbour itself.

International Commerce Centre, 1 Austin Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong
+852 2263 2263

4 /10

The Mira

At the MiraSpa’s sparkling indoor heated pool, located in the basement, you can enjoy a dip and a relaxed poolside afternoon even if the weather’s not ideal. It includes access to the fitness centre and the sauna, whirlpool and curiously, a waterbed lounge.

118-130 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
+852 2368 1111

5 /10

The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong

When The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong opened, the buzz was all about its close proximity to Ocean Park. But one of its best highlights is the 60-metre outdoor infinity pool for adults and The Lagoon for kids. Both of these pools hover over the South China Sea. Make use of the swimming pool pass to escape to this serene oasis to relax and swim.

3 Ocean Drive, Aberdeen, Hong Kong
+852 2166 7399

6 /10

W Hong Kong

There’s so much to love about WET, the rooftop swimming pool located on the 76th floor of W Hong Kong. In addition to being the highest outdoor swimming pool in Hong Kong, it also has panoramic views and an outdoor jacuzzi. If you get hungry, you can always drop by the poolside bar for some tipples and snacks. While the Weekday Pass has everything (and much more) you need, you can also opt for the Everyday Deluxe Pass. It’s an upgraded version of the pass with perks like an HKD 1,000 gift voucher for use at Bliss Spa!

1 Austin Road, West Kowloon, Hong Kong
+852 3717 2222

7 /10

Grand Hyatt Hong Kong

Thanks to its location on the 11th floor of Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, this 50-metre outdoor pool boasts incredible views of the Central skyline. We recommend booking closer to sunset so you can take in an even more stunning sight. The poolside sun loungers provide a rest spot to chill while enjoying refreshments at The Waterfall Bar. With the layout reminiscent of a beach, you don’t have to travel far and wide to swim.

1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
+852 2588 1234

8 /10

The Langham

Dip your toes into the heavenly and heated swimming pool at The Langham. Located on the 15th floor of the hotel, it provides a great escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Simply unwind at the hot tub or get sunkissed at the loungers. You’ll never go hungry with the selection of refreshments such as sandwiches, salads, and cocktails. The day pass also includes access to the Health Club, jacuzzi, and sauna.

8 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
+852 2375 1133

9 /10

Le Méridien Hong Kong

Summer is in full swing at Le Méridien Hong Kong, ushering in guests to soak up the sun rays all while enjoying music, performances, and bubbles courtesy of the summer pool party package. Nowhere in Hong Kong are there five pool passes to choose from! The Piscine Party Pass includes a drink while the Bubbles Package comes with three hours of free-flowing sparkling wine and house liquors.

The Chich Roast & Pool Package consists of a non-stop French barbecue buffet. The Pool Me Up Package is perfect for party-goers while those who need an escape should go for the Chic Cabana Package for extra privacy. Whichever you pick, it’ll surely be a fun pool party!

100 Cyberport Road, Hong Kong
+852 2980 7417

10 /10

Harbour Grand Hong Kong, North Point

There are few things that can beat an iced tea (boozy or not) with prime views of the harbour. Harbour Grand Hong Kong’s day pass is one of the more wallet-friendly options in the city. It includes access to the state-of-the-art health club, as well as the jacuzzi and sauna facilities inside each changing room.

3 Oil Street, North Point, Hong Kong
+852 21212 2688

The post Swimming Pool Passes: 10 Hotels Offering The Best Deals In Hong Kong This Summer appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Wynn Resorts To Open UAE’s First Luxury Gaming Resort In Al Marjan Island Tue, 02 May 2023 14:47:24 +0000 Wynn Al Marjan

In a bid to transform the United Arab Emirates (UAE) into a global gaming destination, US-based Wynn Resorts is investing billions of dollars to build its first gaming resort in Al Marjan Island. According to the official statement released by Wynn, over USD 3.9 billion has been invested in this project.

The major attraction of this property will be its extensive entertainment and gaming area. The details of the “games” have been left ambiguous as gambling is currently banned in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. The company has partnered with Marjan LLC and RAK Hospitality Holding LLC to develop this grand oceanfront property planned on a group of four islands about 45 minutes away from Dubai. While the construction work has already begun, the property is slated to open its magnificent doors to visitors by 2027.

Here are all the details about Wynn Al Marjan Island Resort

Wynn Al Marjan
Image credit: Wynn Resorts

Wynn has planned 1,500 lavish rooms, suites and villas as per their latest statement. The company states, “Visitors can look forward to a wide array of entertainment options, a gaming area, 24 dining and lounge experiences, innovative spa and wellness experiences, a high-end shopping esplanade, a state-of-the-art events centre, a theatre hosting a unique production show, and other amenities.”

The resort will also have a light and laser show every night to highlight the natural beauty of the Ras Al Khaimah islands. Touted to be a man-made oasis, it will retain the rawness of the surrounding ecosystem by replicating the natural curve shape of the beach in the design of its podium, beach-facing promenade and opera house.

What makes Wynn’s Ras Al Khaimah project special?

Wynn Al Marjan
Image credit: Wynn Resorts

Speaking about the project, Craig Billings, CEO of Wynn Resorts, said in a statement, “We have spent the past year meticulously programming and concepting Wynn Al Marjan Island, carefully considering its unique location.” He added, “I am incredibly proud of our design and development team’s ability to impart our legacy of rich, thoughtful design into a sun-soaked beachside resort that will delight customers, new and old. We look forward to opening Wynn Al Marjan Island in early 2027.”

(Main and Feature Image Credit: Wynn Resorts)

This story first appeared on Travel + Leisure Asia Global

The post Wynn Resorts To Open UAE’s First Luxury Gaming Resort In Al Marjan Island appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Wynn Al Marjan

In a bid to transform the United Arab Emirates (UAE) into a global gaming destination, US-based Wynn Resorts is investing billions of dollars to build its first gaming resort in Al Marjan Island. According to the official statement released by Wynn, over USD 3.9 billion has been invested in this project.

The major attraction of this property will be its extensive entertainment and gaming area. The details of the “games” have been left ambiguous as gambling is currently banned in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. The company has partnered with Marjan LLC and RAK Hospitality Holding LLC to develop this grand oceanfront property planned on a group of four islands about 45 minutes away from Dubai. While the construction work has already begun, the property is slated to open its magnificent doors to visitors by 2027.

Here are all the details about Wynn Al Marjan Island Resort

Wynn Al Marjan
Image credit: Wynn Resorts

Wynn has planned 1,500 lavish rooms, suites and villas as per their latest statement. The company states, “Visitors can look forward to a wide array of entertainment options, a gaming area, 24 dining and lounge experiences, innovative spa and wellness experiences, a high-end shopping esplanade, a state-of-the-art events centre, a theatre hosting a unique production show, and other amenities.”

The resort will also have a light and laser show every night to highlight the natural beauty of the Ras Al Khaimah islands. Touted to be a man-made oasis, it will retain the rawness of the surrounding ecosystem by replicating the natural curve shape of the beach in the design of its podium, beach-facing promenade and opera house.

What makes Wynn’s Ras Al Khaimah project special?

Wynn Al Marjan
Image credit: Wynn Resorts

Speaking about the project, Craig Billings, CEO of Wynn Resorts, said in a statement, “We have spent the past year meticulously programming and concepting Wynn Al Marjan Island, carefully considering its unique location.” He added, “I am incredibly proud of our design and development team’s ability to impart our legacy of rich, thoughtful design into a sun-soaked beachside resort that will delight customers, new and old. We look forward to opening Wynn Al Marjan Island in early 2027.”

(Main and Feature Image Credit: Wynn Resorts)

This story first appeared on Travel + Leisure Asia Global

The post Wynn Resorts To Open UAE’s First Luxury Gaming Resort In Al Marjan Island appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

Tsim Sha Tsui: A Complete Guide On Where To Eat, Drink And Shop Sat, 29 Apr 2023 02:00:02 +0000 tsim sha tsui

Tsim Sha Tsui is one of Hong Kong’s most popular neighbourhoods and for good reasons. It has almost everything that you’re looking for, as a local and a visitor. For starters, it offers the best views of Hong Kong’s stunning skyline. It also has seemingly endless rows of shops, restaurants, malls, bars, and everything else in between. A mixed bag of sorts, Tsim Sha Tsui is a great example of modernity and tradition. You have the staggering shopping malls on one hand, and the 1881 Heritage on the other. There are boutiques in the nooks and crannies of Grandville but also luxury brands sprawled all over Canton Road. It’s also a melting pot of food and culture, with Chungking Mansions and Kimberley Street. Read our guide to this bustling neighbourhood and find out the best places to eat, drink, shop and explore!

Your ultimate guide to Tsim Sha Tsui

Where to eat

When it comes to the best dining places in Tsim Sha Tsui, where do we even start? For those with a hefty budget, we recommend checking out restaurants located at some of the best hotels in town. At Rosewood Hong Kong alone, you have Bluhouse and Chaat to choose from. The former is a family-friendly Italian restaurant while the latter has rich Indian dishes, elevated in a modern setting. Make sure to book in advance though as Chaat is notorious for its highly coveted table reservations. Over at the neighbouring and newly-reopened The Regent Hong Kong, The Steakhouse is offering the juiciest cuts of meat. And speaking of meat, Wooloomooloo Prime and La Vache are two other steakhouses to try.


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A post shared by Aqua Hong Kong (@aquahongkong)

You’ll never run out of places to choose from when it comes to Korean food. Just head over to Kimberley Street, also known as “Little Korea” and simply take your pick. Whether you’re looking for Korean barbecue, Korean fried chicken, or even whole chunks of kimchi, the restaurants and grocery stores here have an endless supply. Similarly, inside Chungking Mansions, you have a plethora of halal restaurants. Bismillah Kebab House has delicious kebabs to try. Tsim Sha Tsui is one of the best places to get a view of Victoria Harbour. And who doesn’t want to dine with a view? Hutong serves great Northern Chinese cuisine, complete with incredible views of Hong Kong. Alternatively, you can also head over to Aqua for some toothsome food, great drinks, and good views. The brunch here is a must-have—it lasts until 4:30 pm! Meanwhile, Kaboom not only has breathtaking views, but it also serves Southeast Asian fusion cuisine. The shisha lounge is a plus! If you’re on the lookout for casual eats, Kabo serves affordable yet equally delicious burgers. The Truffle Cheeseburger and the Ox Tongue Burger are a must-try! In case you’re travelling in a group, In Beef Hotpot is perfect for large gatherings. Remember to come hungry so you can try more! When it comes to cafes, we recommend Mamaday Cafe not only for its hipster and fun interiors but for the equally interesting menu. Another place you can try out is How to Live Well—a Japanese-style cafe, co-working space, and furniture shop all rolled into one.


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A post shared by DarkSide (@darksidebar)

Where to drink

Head over to Knutsford Terrace and immediately, you’ll come face to face with an array of bars and shisha lounges. It’s an alternative to the relatively busier (and more expensive) Lan Kwai Fong. But if the noise gets too much, you can also explore East Tsim Sha Tsui where some of the bars offer stunning views of the skyline.For a more intimate vibe, you can’t go wrong with DarkSide. The award-winning bar has a range of vintage cigars, cocktails, and aged spirits to try. Meanwhile, room 3 also offers a selection of wine, sake, whisky, and cocktails. On the other hand, coffeholics shouldn’t miss Koffee Mameya, the sister brand to the popular Omotesando Koffee. Expect to find bespoke blends and single origins sourced from around the world.


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A post shared by K11 MUSEA (@k11musea)

Where to shop

As with food, Tsim Sha Tsui is simply packed with stores and shopping malls. Indulge in some retail therapy at Harbour City, one of Hong Kong’s largest shopping malls. You’ll get dizzy just roaming around and covering over 450 shops and restaurants. For a more artsy destination, K11 Musea is the place to be. With its impressive architecture and artistic interiors, K11 Musea is really more of a cultural and retail experience compared to other shopping malls in town. The K11 Art Mall is the smaller sister of Musea, where you’ll find more affordable shops and cute cafes.If you don’t mind outdoor shopping, Grandville Road is simply the best place for cheap finds. Whether it’s clothing, beauty products, tech stores, or even musical instruments, you’ll likely find it here. In addition, high-end shoppers shouldn’t miss Canton Road and its strip of luxury brands like Chanel and Louis Vuitton.

What to do

Tired of shopping? There are still other things to do in Tsim Sha Tsui. You can browse through amazing works of art at the Hong Kong Museum of Art. Then, try museum hopping and visit the Hong Kong Museum of History and the Hong Kong Space Museum as well. We recommend visiting on a Wednesday so you can get free admission. The Hong Kong Cultural Centre also hosts regular cultural events and performances.Did you really visit Tsim Sha Tsui if you didn’t walk along the promenade? This view of Hong Kong is the postcard image of the city so regardless of whether you’re a local or tourist, it’s simply must-see. We also recommend riding the iconic Star Ferry to Wan Chai or Central not only because it’s an experience itself, but you also get varying views of the city.

(Featured and hero image credit: Sharon Cho/Unsplash)

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

The post Tsim Sha Tsui: A Complete Guide On Where To Eat, Drink And Shop appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.

tsim sha tsui

Tsim Sha Tsui is one of Hong Kong’s most popular neighbourhoods and for good reasons. It has almost everything that you’re looking for, as a local and a visitor. For starters, it offers the best views of Hong Kong’s stunning skyline. It also has seemingly endless rows of shops, restaurants, malls, bars, and everything else in between. A mixed bag of sorts, Tsim Sha Tsui is a great example of modernity and tradition. You have the staggering shopping malls on one hand, and the 1881 Heritage on the other. There are boutiques in the nooks and crannies of Grandville but also luxury brands sprawled all over Canton Road. It’s also a melting pot of food and culture, with Chungking Mansions and Kimberley Street. Read our guide to this bustling neighbourhood and find out the best places to eat, drink, shop and explore!

Your ultimate guide to Tsim Sha Tsui

Where to eat

When it comes to the best dining places in Tsim Sha Tsui, where do we even start? For those with a hefty budget, we recommend checking out restaurants located at some of the best hotels in town. At Rosewood Hong Kong alone, you have Bluhouse and Chaat to choose from. The former is a family-friendly Italian restaurant while the latter has rich Indian dishes, elevated in a modern setting. Make sure to book in advance though as Chaat is notorious for its highly coveted table reservations. Over at the neighbouring and newly-reopened The Regent Hong Kong, The Steakhouse is offering the juiciest cuts of meat. And speaking of meat, Wooloomooloo Prime and La Vache are two other steakhouses to try.


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A post shared by Aqua Hong Kong (@aquahongkong)

You’ll never run out of places to choose from when it comes to Korean food. Just head over to Kimberley Street, also known as “Little Korea” and simply take your pick. Whether you’re looking for Korean barbecue, Korean fried chicken, or even whole chunks of kimchi, the restaurants and grocery stores here have an endless supply. Similarly, inside Chungking Mansions, you have a plethora of halal restaurants. Bismillah Kebab House has delicious kebabs to try. Tsim Sha Tsui is one of the best places to get a view of Victoria Harbour. And who doesn’t want to dine with a view? Hutong serves great Northern Chinese cuisine, complete with incredible views of Hong Kong. Alternatively, you can also head over to Aqua for some toothsome food, great drinks, and good views. The brunch here is a must-have—it lasts until 4:30 pm! Meanwhile, Kaboom not only has breathtaking views, but it also serves Southeast Asian fusion cuisine. The shisha lounge is a plus! If you’re on the lookout for casual eats, Kabo serves affordable yet equally delicious burgers. The Truffle Cheeseburger and the Ox Tongue Burger are a must-try! In case you’re travelling in a group, In Beef Hotpot is perfect for large gatherings. Remember to come hungry so you can try more! When it comes to cafes, we recommend Mamaday Cafe not only for its hipster and fun interiors but for the equally interesting menu. Another place you can try out is How to Live Well—a Japanese-style cafe, co-working space, and furniture shop all rolled into one.


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A post shared by DarkSide (@darksidebar)

Where to drink

Head over to Knutsford Terrace and immediately, you’ll come face to face with an array of bars and shisha lounges. It’s an alternative to the relatively busier (and more expensive) Lan Kwai Fong. But if the noise gets too much, you can also explore East Tsim Sha Tsui where some of the bars offer stunning views of the skyline.For a more intimate vibe, you can’t go wrong with DarkSide. The award-winning bar has a range of vintage cigars, cocktails, and aged spirits to try. Meanwhile, room 3 also offers a selection of wine, sake, whisky, and cocktails. On the other hand, coffeholics shouldn’t miss Koffee Mameya, the sister brand to the popular Omotesando Koffee. Expect to find bespoke blends and single origins sourced from around the world.


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A post shared by K11 MUSEA (@k11musea)

Where to shop

As with food, Tsim Sha Tsui is simply packed with stores and shopping malls. Indulge in some retail therapy at Harbour City, one of Hong Kong’s largest shopping malls. You’ll get dizzy just roaming around and covering over 450 shops and restaurants. For a more artsy destination, K11 Musea is the place to be. With its impressive architecture and artistic interiors, K11 Musea is really more of a cultural and retail experience compared to other shopping malls in town. The K11 Art Mall is the smaller sister of Musea, where you’ll find more affordable shops and cute cafes.If you don’t mind outdoor shopping, Grandville Road is simply the best place for cheap finds. Whether it’s clothing, beauty products, tech stores, or even musical instruments, you’ll likely find it here. In addition, high-end shoppers shouldn’t miss Canton Road and its strip of luxury brands like Chanel and Louis Vuitton.

What to do

Tired of shopping? There are still other things to do in Tsim Sha Tsui. You can browse through amazing works of art at the Hong Kong Museum of Art. Then, try museum hopping and visit the Hong Kong Museum of History and the Hong Kong Space Museum as well. We recommend visiting on a Wednesday so you can get free admission. The Hong Kong Cultural Centre also hosts regular cultural events and performances.Did you really visit Tsim Sha Tsui if you didn’t walk along the promenade? This view of Hong Kong is the postcard image of the city so regardless of whether you’re a local or tourist, it’s simply must-see. We also recommend riding the iconic Star Ferry to Wan Chai or Central not only because it’s an experience itself, but you also get varying views of the city.

(Featured and hero image credit: Sharon Cho/Unsplash)

This story first appeared on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong

The post Tsim Sha Tsui: A Complete Guide On Where To Eat, Drink And Shop appeared first on AugustMan Hongkong.
